chapter eleven

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a/n this is short again but next chapter will hopefully be better and more interesting. i know what i'm gonna do next finally lol. k bye.

only a week left until tour starts. i couldn't have been more excited.

"hey my friends elijah and issac are having a party tonight and they really want us to come since i won't see them for a while," she suggested.

"yeah that sounds fun," i said not realizing what i had gotten myself into.

"are you sure?" she followed up.

"yeah, i need to meet people," i said with a giggle.

i really never go to parties because i have really bad social anxiety. i still don't know how i managed to talk with billie so well, but it was just something about her. some people are just the easiest for me to talk to and others make me want to pass out.

it was already 5 pm and the party started at 6:30. i was pretty nervous and billie knew i was, but i knew she'd keep me safe.

i wore some shorts and a cropped shirt. billie wore her normal outfit of choice.

she looked so good, even though i've seen her in these clothes before. i couldn't get over it.

"you ready to go?" she asked.

"yeah," i said before kissing her on the cheek.

we got into the car and she started driving. she could tell i was nervous.

"hey," she said looking at me. "if you feel like it's too much at any time we can leave, okay?" she told me.

"okay," i said quietly.

"i love you and i won't be mad if you want to leave. we can always just go home and do something else," she said.

"i love you too. thank you billie," i said smiling at her.

"actually, if you ever feel like you want to leave, tell me. it doesn't matter if we're with finneas or out at a restaurant, you tell me," she went on.

"i love you," i said.

"i love you too y/n," she replied.

we soon arrived and i was kind of dying inside. i don't know why, i had a bad feeling. i didn't want to hold billie back from seeing her friends. i wasn't going to be that girlfriend.

we got out of the car and i saw two guys walking towards us.

"y/n this is elijah and issac," billie said.

"hey," i said awkwardly.

"hi," they both said kindly.

"so are you guys friends or?" issac asked.

"she's my girlfriend," i explained

"oh that's cool," he replied.

billie grabbed my hand and we walked inside. there were a lot of people surprisingly. some were already wasted and some were just chilling.

"do you want anything?" billie asked me while pointing to the drink table.

"no," i replied softly.

"okay," she said before kissing my forehead.

we went to go sit on the couch. as soon as we both sat down there was a loud boom.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now