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It was only a couple of months since Elizabeth started working in a publishing company. She loves her work, making sure no time is wasted. She sees to it that every duty assigned to her is achieved by the end of the day but without compromising a high-end work quality. Being dedicated to the company, setting a good standard for self-motivation is crucial and remaining loyal to her objective is more of a voluntary tendency rather than a pressed obligation as an employee. She wanted to apprise all the individuals occupying the highest position that hiring her was not a regrettable decision and that doing her part as a contribution to the success of the company is a form of gratitude.

She's a fresh graduate at the age of twenty. She had finished her studies in a relatively short pace with flying colors. She is beautiful with a brain of her own. She has both the inner and outer glamour, the kind in which simplicity and elegance weigh an interchangeably same force. She is very loving and has a cheerful mien. In other words, she's a real English rose. But then beware. She might be very charming but better choose wisely not to kid her around or take advantage of her kindness because at the end of her wits she can be impolite depending on the depth of one's rough behaviour towards her. She doesn't permit herself to become a subject of any untoward treatment.

She was about to stand up from her seat when she heard a ding from her phone. It was a notification; someone sent her a message.

Hi.. how was your day?

Hope that you did well today...

Life can be like a sea full of wavy shits but remember that you're always the one entitled to decide your own battleship. Keep it ashore!

She smiled genuinely upon reading the message. There was, again, an unexpected flutter inside her chest that wasn't there before a long time ago. The odd feeling grows more familiar everytime she spends her precious and spare attention to this particular being. That's ridiculous, isn't it? She might had gone totally crazy over this. But she chose not to mind the peculiarity of their situation.

She thought that the guy really knows how to put into proper words that sort of encouragement. So before she swoosh out her office, she tapped the keys and sent her response.

Thanks mister for that wonderful food-for-thought! Yeah, today is a long day and apparently the big boss wanted to put everything in order.


● I'm totally drained today but I guess your encouragement has revived my strength..


● I'm about to go home but seeing this message from you, I think it is very rude on my part not to respond and extend my gratitude to your wise sayings.


● Thanks a lot! I feel like being resuscitated from my death bed.

After hitting the send button again, she didn't realize that she was beaming all along in a silent awe. This guy must be really something!

It has been almost two years when their story started getting under way. Although the set up was absurd, she chose to continue exchanging messages with the mystery guy and get constantly fascinated. And being as always on the lookout for any likelihood of disapproving event, truly it was a miracle that he's not anything of a creepy stalker. But, that is how she tried to perceive things in the most positive way she can. According to her own personal premise which she gave an utter approval, he is a real gentleman by the way he replies and shares ideas almost about everything. She believed that he is a man of tactical shrewdness. He seems a genius warrior who had fair shares of life's compromising demands and learning the hard way is his utmost rewarding intelligence. Given that the guy never intrudes nor asks anything about her private life, Elizabeth acclaimed herself to be lucky enough. He never asks if she has a boyfriend-- like a typical guy would do as a part of their instinct of fundamental queries in getting to know a woman. Not that she's uncomfortable at that particular topic of her privacy, she just finds it rude although her best friend insists that it's normal for a man. Just as what she said one time, a man asks such question so that he knows where to stand from the beginning. It's a male instinct and that is acceptable. She had a point but Elizabeth was too stubborn to accept. Whatever the case, still she is satisfied that he is different. In fact, she finds him cool and easy to bear with. There is not a day when their conversation runs dull. He can randomly shoot any topic that is either informative or fascinating which she finds as a good trait of him although she personally knows nothing of him behind the screen. But in defiance of the latter condition, she couldn't ignore the delightful sensation of having found a guy friend in him despite of having a real best friend who, on the other hand, is just an arm- length away. A crazy woman named Abigail. But then, having another friend at heart from an opposite sex is a way lot different. At least, she can hear and have alternative opinions from a man's point of view. If there could only be one particular downside, that is sharing a kind of relationship with him in an oddly limited and unacknowledged state of affairs. But then who knows? What if the universe is working its way to expand both of their comfort zone and give them the probability of taking things to the next level?

According to Abigail's liberal mind set, what she had got into was a very dangerous game since nowadays there are only few genuine gentlemen out there who randomly walk around. She believed that Elizabeth was striving to become unconventional regarding the matter of the heart but what if the guy was a real crazy stalker who's taking the game real slow, alluring her with sugar-coated and witty words and then wake up one day in his hand with her body drained from cold blood?

Yeah, she has found a real best friend who is, she might actually say, over protective of her. But that works fine. That is how a real friendship should be, right? She even swore that she would do the same thing for Abigail if she happened to be the one in her position.

Despite the negative remarks she received from Abigail and the inferior state of her distant affair with the mystery guy, she is still hoping that there is the right time. There is and her sanity clutches on to the idea that it is just at the end of the road somewhere. She just needs to stay consistent and patient for what path she believes she must take. It is a good kind of friendship and she's not expecting anything more than that. If... If he will make his first actual move to step one forward up, she'll be glad. If he doesn't show instead, any sign of a special act, the feeling won't change. She will be pleased just the same. She can set aside and play deaf to any opposing argument from anyone who raises an eyebrow. Not until the heaven shows a sign to stop this sort of mania, she will continue in keeping their friendship alive.

It was hard to believe but her heart and mind felt a certain kind of getting re-connected to a long lost friend from the very first moment. The odd sensation was there and everytime it comes around she just chooses to ignore the impulse. What in the world could that be? They were both strangers to each other. How come she could sense an air of familiarity to someone she haven't met before? Someone she haven't seen before her eyes. This must be insane!

But whatever that could be, as long as she's in her safe ground and he continues to remain far from showing any discourtesy, she promised herself to stay mollified from the coming unwanted anxieties that might be brought upon her by the critics who would steadily refrain from accepting her point of view. Nothing and no one can toggle her stance about him. After all, the people are varied. Things that might be pleasing to someone else may seem different and unacceptable to another.

And for her, he will remain her charming mysterious guy.

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