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Elizabeth's POV...

I was lying on my bed and waiting for the sleep to mercifully knocks over me. I tossed and turned for several times. What happened at the Andersons three hours ago kept coming back and forth in my senses. That was an absurd thing! The gory details were so visible in my head that every nerve fiber in my system is shaking inside. Should I laugh at it or be weary? It's not some kind of a usual drama every waking day.

I insisted in coming with him because I thought that way I can make amends for ruining the suprise he did that morning. It was too much for me and the time given was too small to calculate and digest what was happening around. The familiarity of the place, the flowers, him, me and the little boy in my dream. The feeling of belongingness, left behind, broken past... they were all mixing up together as if I was haunted by something for the worst thing I did. But what was it? I can't remember I committed a crime that I deserved to be tormented.

My side table clock said it's thirty minutes past three and yet sleep is too tight to give in. I was anxious, who was the girl? She's too bold and acutely decent for a woman of good standing. The Andersons said her father was a well-known undisputed senator when they started putting up a small business and her mother was a lawyer in a private law firm. But those fertile years were way back fifteen years ago. It was through them that they were given the chance to build up their business in the society but they didn't expect that one day their daughter will be in a relationship with James. They didn't exactly say they never liked the woman for their son but it was obvious when we were dining altogether. But it was not what matters to me. It was James.

I touched my lips. That was the second time he kissed me so passionately. What had just happened at my doorstep, the vision was still playing clear as a crystal in my head. His hands while caressing my skin were shaky. I admit, I misapprehended the situation. I expected for something more. I thought he was about to present me as his girlfriend. How could I not? He was nervous and it wasn't usually his persona so I thought there was a silent promise to be revealed. But it was all in vain. I aimed too much. Ouch! I can feel the hefty grimace of pain in my heart! I thought that presenting me to his family as more than a PA I could care less to the world. I thought it would be a vigorous beginning of us beating the odds around. But it turned out to become a delusion and to top up the night, a woman appeared out of nowhere and presented herself as his "long lost girlfriend."

That... was... quite... a scene....

The woman was confident and the way how she approached James said it all. There was really a past relationship between them. I wonder what happened that they lost each other. God! I was dead jealous and was trying not to admit the feeling but it kept on failing me. I was fumed by the fact that after they kissed in front of us, they left quickly without even saying a word. What was that James? You brought me there only to leave me behind and escape with someone else. I wanted to cry but the Andersons were too accomodating that they really did a great job of clearing my head for a short while. Did they go for a place, somewhere more private? I waited for his return but there was no shadow of a comeback. And the Andersons, being so affectionate as always, offered me a ride back home. is going to be a long day.

Surely, it will be............


Oh my god! The city was pouring hard. The sky was nothing but a vast gloomy and empty space. I know, I am so good at showing a sturdy, unshaken stature of myself but the weather at that particular moment was flexing out to the world a silent and broken spirit imprisoned in this body. Really, this day was an unwanted time of coming to work but hell, what will I be doing if I preferred to stay at home. I can't just lurk inside and dilute myself in this secret misery. That would be somewhat an aberrant behaviour I am not totally accustomed to.

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