Chapter Six

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The drama continues.......

A quick thank you to all my readers for taking the time to read my story.

Quote of the chapter: "I don't have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit." Elizabeth Taylor


Scarlett's POV

Cameron was over Clara only in his boxers they were kissing. Upon hearing me enter their heads whipped to the side.

"Shit!" Cameron muttered he scrambled off Clara who was lying there with a smug look on her face.

"How could you!" I seethed my heart was breaking inside my chest.

"It's, it's not what it looks like!" he said pathetically trying to come up with an excuse I scoffed.

"Oh really?!" I went to walk off but he grabbed my wrist I spun around and with all my might I slapped him. His head whipped to the side. He brought his hand up to his bleeding lip.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. ME!" I growled out. I stomped to the door ripping it open.

"Please Scar let's talk about this. I love you." He called after me causing me to freeze. I turned to him my blood boiling anger coursed through my veins like molten fire. My eyes were ablaze I ripped the necklace from around my neck and threw it at him along with his key. I was trying so hard not to cry. I'll be damned if I cry in front of his cheating ass.

"How long." I gritted out.

"How long what?" He asked stupidly.

"Don't! Do not play dumb with me you prick. How long have you been screwing my best friend!" I yelled at him the rage burned within me and I was itching to hit something Clara emerged from the bedroom in one of Cam's shirts.

"Does sending him nudes count?" she said smirking.

"About six months..." Cameron said shamefully.

"Six months?!" I laughed he nodded. I glared at him.

"I hate you! We are over!" I spat turning my attention to Clara she was standing there so full of herself. I lunged at her grabbing her by the hair I punched her in the face and was going to do it again until Cameron pulled me off her. She was sobbing and I smiled cruelly at her.

"Get off of me!" I shouted pushing him away.

"You stay the hell away from me. Both of you or I swear to the high heavens I'll kill you!" I stormed out slamming the door with as much force as I could muster. I heard him exit too I broke out into a sprint wanting to put as much distance between us as possible.

A sob ripped through me, shakily I pulled my phone out my pocket and called Adrian

"Bug?" answered Adrian.

"Adrian," I sobbed out.

"Scarlett are you crying. Did he do something to you? I'll kill hi-" I sobbed even harder.

"He cheated on me."

"Where are you?" I looked around through blurry eyes.

"The park." I said through the hiccups.

"I'm coming don't move."

Not even five minutes later Adrian skidded to a stop in Kyle's car. He jogged up to me and enveloped me in a warm hug "Scarlett!" I heard my name being shouted and I immediately knew it was Cameron Adrian tensed up he sees him running towards us. Adrian pulled back and ripped off his jacket throwing it on the floor.

"Adrian no..." I told him but he ignored me instead he grabbed Cameron by the shirt and roughly slammed him into the wall.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat the crap out of you!" Adrian seethed in his face.

"Get off me asshole!" Cameron shouted. Adrian's fist raised I rushed over and grabbed it.

"NO! Adrian stop it please!" I begged. He slammed Cam against the wall once more before letting him go.

"You are so lucky she's here right now..." Adrian threatened.

I was shocked I had never seen him act like this, he was never this angry.

"Let's go," I whispered he grabbed my hand and walked me to the car. Once we were settled in, we left. I began crying again as I kept replaying the scene in my head. I cried so much I must have passed out because the next thing I knew I was waking up to Adrian carrying me up the stairs.

I tossed and turned all night my mind taunting me. it was like a broken record that kept playing the same section of the song over and over and over and over again it was horrible. I shot up from the bed my breathing was ragged I got off the bed accidentally stepping on someone. Hearing a grunt, I screamed in surprise.

"Adrian, what are y- did you sleep on the floor?" I asked I rolled my eyes.

"We have a guest room. You now this why didn't you stay in there?" He shrugged.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay?" I shook my head.

"Well now that you can see I'm okay please leave..." He didn't move.

"I'm not leaving you!" I sighed.

"Go, Adrian, I need to change and shower."

"Please?" I added he nodded pulling me into a hug. Then he exited my room. I got in the shower and broke down, I was praying that the shower was masking the sounds of my heartbroken cries. Once I had gotten out my eyes were all puffy and red. I looked horrible. I made my way downstairs to ask if I could stay home today.

"Mom?" I asked my voice hoarse from all the crying she turned to look at me.

"Oh, Mija." She said as she hugged me. no doubt Adrian had told her what had happened.

"Can I stay home today please?" she nodded kissing my head.

"Of course sweetie," I nodded and made my way back upstairs, but my mom called me "Scar?" I turned.

"I made breakfast" I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry." I muttered before locking myself in my room.

I sat on the bed and just cried again the empty feeling in my chest was too much to bear. Two years wasted on that cheat! The thought of seeing them at school tomorrow made me want to hurl. I shot up and quickly ran to the bathroom. I threw up last night's marvellous food, the acidic content burned my throat making it difficult to swallow the water I was trying to drink. I brushed my teeth and got back in bed surrounding myself with the warmth coming from my duvet. A loud knock on my door jolted me awake.

"Sis, please come and eat something." Elijah called desperately wanting to see me.

"I'm not hungry, just leave me alone." I cried. The empty feeling in my chest made it painfully hard to breathe. I wondered if I just stopped breathing would the ache still be there.

I fell into a deep sleep angry at myself and angry at the world for handing me this fate.


Did somebody say drama!!!

What happens to Scarlett?

What are your thoughts on Cameron and Clara's characters?

Find out what happens next chapter

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Until next time my lovelies

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