Chapter Sixteen

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Hope you like this chapter xo

Quote of the chapter: "Be yourself and don't apologise for it" - unknown


Scarlett's POV

"Scarlett?" the teacher called out "here." I mumbled looking around. Both Clara and Cameron were in this class. Their constant laughs and kisses made me want to throw myself out of the window. "Clara! Give me that." the teacher sneered marching up to her desk "crap." I heard her mutter before she handed her a slip of paper "So it turns out that Scarlett not only screwed Parker but Adrian too." the teacher read out the note before realising what it in fact said. My eyes snapped to Clara's she smirked her eyes gleaming with mischief. "This is disgusting," Mrs Mandel said as she ripped it up, she shot me an apologetic. "I will not condone bullying!"  The class sniggered and the whispers started. "You know Scar I think you should get tested, who knows what those boy toys of yours carry." she smiled sweetly "they don't carry anything. If you have a problem with me make sure it stays with me. leave my friends out of it." I sneered at her she only smirked. It all got too much. The stares, the obvious whispers. I grabbed my bag and stormed out. Clara stuck out her foot attempting to trip me, but I saw it coming. Giving her a sharp kick to the ankle she screamed loudly "oops sorry I slipped."  I spat before slinging my bag over my shoulder and bashed open the door.

I threw my stuff down on a bench outside and grunted in frustration. I slumped down and put my head in my hands. Why is she doing this? The pictures of her and Cam I'm receiving on a daily basis as well as the constant aimed posts about me are enough and now, she's spreading rumours about me. What did I ever do to her that was so bad? She's the one who slept with my boyfriend! She's the one who's making my life hell. We were friends... well, at least I thought we were.

Somebody sat down on the opposite side of the bench causing me to look up "Nova?" I questioned she smiled at me "hey I saw you over here and you looked upset." She confessed causing me to smile "listen I wanted to tell you something before you hear it elsewhere. Clara started a rumour about me claiming that I slept with Parker and Adrian. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't. The truth is I only pretended that I slept with Parker to get back at Cameron. I've never done it." I admitted she looked shocked for a moment before nodding "she's horrible." I heard her say I nodded "you can say that again. I just wish she'd move on. I do not and will not want Cameron back she can have him. It just hurts to see them together after what they did to me. You know?" I sighed out feeling fed up at the whole of the situation "yeah no I totally get it I'm sorry you're going through this on top of what you're already got through." she said smiling kindly at me. She's so nice!

I got up and went around to her and pulled her into a hug "thank you." I mumbled she hugged back instantly "no problem. " she said pulling back. "Oh, and thank you." she said, and my brows furrowed "for?" "for telling me about the rumour if I had heard it from anyone else, I probably would have been upset believing its true." I nodded "it's not." I clarified blowing the air out from my cheeks. She nodded "well I best get going." He excused herself I waved goodbye. I was sitting there for the rest of the lesson just thinking about everything. I wish she didn't have to be so nice. I've got feelings for her boyfriend and here we are talking like we're best friends. Ugh, I am a mess!

I walked to my locker and swapped over my books, all of a sudden my locker door slammed shut I turned in surprised Clara stood there with a smug look on her face she was with Coralie and Ashlee "thanks." I said smiling sweetly she rolled her eyes "listen here bitch, stay away from Cameron and Adrian they are both taken and don't want you speaking to them." She warned. I laughed "you're asking me to stay away from a person I no longer have the desire to be around and my oldest friend. I'm sorry but since when do you dictate who I can and cannot hang around with? I am going to say this one last time so listen closely." I paused stepping in her face "I. Do. Not. Care. About. Cameron! You are welcome to him now leave me the hell alone. Stop sending me pictures of you two, stop spreading rumours about me, just stop talking to me in general I don't give a crap about you nor do I give a crap what you think of me okay so just get over yourself before I do something I promise I won't regret." I sneered letting everything out.. She takes a step closer to me clenching her fists. "you don't talk to me like that got it?" she said pushing me back she slapped my books out of my hand causing my papers to fly everywhere. I bent down picking them up. She lowered to my level and grabbed my face roughly digging her nails into my skin "listen here and listen good. I will end you." she ripped her hand back scratching my skin. I stood up and shoved past her hitting my shoulder with hers she giggled. My eyes watered and I ran to the bathroom.

I let the tears fall I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. Why was she doing this to me?! Walking out I looked at myself in the mirror, I had red scratch marks surrounding my mouth stretching up the side of my cheek. How am I going to hide these? Sighing I gave up and walked out of the bathroom. I saw Roxy and Parker at my locker lowering my head so they couldn't see my face I walked past them, but they noticed me "shit." I muttered under my breath. I turned to them and smiled "oh sorry I didn't see you guys. I'm too caught up in my own head today." They nodded walking over to me Roxy squinted her eyes at me "are those s-scratch marks?" she asked confused I looked away not knowing how to explain "I-I err have to go." I stuttered turning and quickly making my way outside. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone. Looking up I sighed it was just Adrian. He looked at me and then walked around me without a word. What? "A?" I called out after him he stopped for a second but carried on walking.

I was so happy when the final bell rang out. I quickly gathered up my stuff and headed out. I had texted Adrian multiple times. No answer.

Me: What was that earlier? X

Me: Are you ignoring me? X

Me: Have I done something to make you mad? X

Me: Please answer me I really need my best friend. X

Me: You're ignoring me. Fine okay talk to me when you've finished being an ass.

I got kind of mad when I saw he had read them and not bothered to reply, I sat there in my room wracking my brain to see if I had done anything to hurt him I generally had not a clue on what it could be.


Why Adrian is ignoring her?

What did she do?

Could it be something to do with Clara?

Read to find out...

Don't forget to




Until next time my lovelies

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