Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 26

Quote of the chapter: "Dream without fear and love without limits."

Scarletts POV

Emma tended to us when we arrived at the hospital which meant Adrian never left my side which I was thankful for he was being all kinds of supportive. Though I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a crazy person I mean who offers themselves up to a psycho with a gun. I haven't said a thing since we left my house. Adrian was trying to draw me out, but I remained quiet staring at whatever my eyes focused on.

"Scarlett?" He asked softly. I looked at him and he looked a wreck. His hair was messy and spouting off in all directions probably from him running his hand through it so many times. His eyes were tired and were dropping slightly I felt bad he stayed with me all this time and I hadn't even acknowledged him. God.

"You should rest." I said quietly causing Adrian to chuckle. I looked at him confused he shook his head in an amused way.

"You go through a very traumatic experience and you're telling me to get some rest. You my dear are certifiably insane." Despite everything I smile. I scooted over on the creaky hospital bed and patted the spot next to me. He walked over to the bed and kicked off his shoes before sliding in next to me his arm fell around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I slapped you yesterday."

"I deserved it." He said and I rolled my eyes and began absentmindedly tracing small circles oh his stomach. It didn't take long before we both fell into a comfortable sleep.

I was discharged the next morning and we all went home. The event in my eyes brought everyone closer together. Eric though seemed to be on edge a lot since that night. I observed everyone for days after it happened, and we had all avoided the front room as much as we possibly could. Sometimes I catch my mom staring at me from time to time with a haunted look in her eyes. It hurts knowing I caused them so much pain just because I didn't want them to get hurt. Fair enough I probably seemed suicidal and maybe she's watching me, so I don't take the next chance to off myself. In all honesty I don't know what would have happened to them if I had actually died and I didn't want to think about it, but there's something about what happened that livened everybody up like we all want to make the most of our time with everyone. It's like all the things I've worried about in the past seem so trivial. Like what happened with Adrian. It all seems so stupid.

I was stupid. It's been a few weeks and the high of the incident was wearing off and the buzz around our family dispersed to which I was relieved about. It's weird having perfect strangers offer their condolences about something they have no idea about. And its not exactly a sane topic what could they even say to comfort us? "Heyy I'm sorry your dad tried to kill your family. That sucks man." Like no.

Pushing all those thoughts aside I was getting ready to leave for school everyone was obsessing over prom dresses, dates, makeup, cars everything surrounding prom was all hectic right now. It was a great distraction and that's exactly what I was craving so naturally I threw myself into it, Roxy alongside me. The guys pitched in their ideas with cars and whatnot, but the bigger problem was we were all undeniably dateless. I keep telling myself that prom is weeks away and nobody is worrying about dates yet, it's working. Kinda.

"So, what did you think about the colour?" I asked Roxy as she surveyed the pictures I took in the boutique. Roxy looked at me with a large and kind of scary grin.

"That is most definitely the dress." She beamed causing me to smile. If we don't have dates by the week before prom we're going together as you could probably tell we were each other's safety blankets.

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