Chapter Nine

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^^^Jace Norman AKA Parker Daniels

Quotes of the chapter: "this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me" - Katy perry


Scarlett's POV

"He hit you with a bat?!" I exclaimed and he nodded.

"Why in the hell did you start fighting in the first place?" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"I didn't start it, but I damn well finished it." he smirked.

"Adrian. Look at you, you're bruised up I mean for god's sake he broke your jaw!" I yelled he rolled his eyes.

"Technically he just dislocated it and I gave him a severe concussion, though the jaw does hurt like a motherf-" He was interrupted by his mom walking into the room.

"Scarlett, how are you, honey?" She asked concern evident in her tone I smiled at her.

"I hurt like crazy, just breathing hurts like hell." I answered honestly she nodded.

"Yeah the ribs are going to take at least six weeks to heal, you're going to need to stay in for observation for a few days. I'm also going to come back later to take you to radiology, we need to make sure everything is okay with your brain as well as other organs you took quite a hit Scar. Okay?" She said I nodded unsure on how to reply.

"Err have you called my family?" Adrian nodded.

"They'll be here soon Bug," Adrian smiled taking my hand in his.

"You scared me. you know, that right?" I looked down

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to, I don't know why I- god I'm so stupid." I cried tears slipping down my face.

"Scarlett no, don't cry I hate it when you cry," Adrian his green eyes burning holes into the side of my face.

"Mum, could you give us the room please?" Adrian asked diverting his gaze to his mother momentarily. She nodded.

"Of course, I'll let your family know where you are." She smiled and left the room. Adrian walked over to the door and closed it.

"You could have died," he started "I sat with you, talking to you for six days just talking. I stared at you with wires connected to so many different machines, you ha- had a tube lodged down your throat because you couldn't breathe o-on your own. It hurt me so much to stare at your paled body not knowing if you were going to wake up Scar! I thought you were- you could have died or-or not have woken up. The doctors were pushing so hard for your mum to sign a DNR. They didn't think you would make it; your mum never gave up hope nor did I. Elijah blamed himself, Eric cried. In all the years I've known him I have never once seen him cry yet he stood hovering over you blubbering like a baby. I-" His voice broke. I glanced at him his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Why did you do it. Tell me?" He asked my heart was racing in my chest.

"I-I-I don't know." I stammered.

"no come on Scarlett, I know when you're lying just tell me." he demanded I shook my head.

"Damn it, Scarlett, just tell m-"

"Because I'm a stupid, reckless moron. I didn't throw myself in front of that car on purpose. I put everyone first. You, Cam, Clara, mom, Elijah. EVERYONE! And look where it got me. in the hospital, with more bruises than brain cells, I am the living definition of a doormat. My Boyfriend slept with my best friend because I wouldn't put out. Fuck everyone abandons me in the end!" I interrupted tears streamed down my face.

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