Chapter Thirty

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Quote of the chapter: "Just because people do horrible things doesn't mean they're horrible people." Izzie Stevens

Scarlett's POV

I yawned stretching out my arms, my eyes fluttered open I turned to the side and saw Adrian sleeping soundly beside me. I smiled the events of last night replaying in my mind I smiled as an idea formed in my head. I straddled him he was still sleeping I leant down and began kissing his neck he stirred but didn't wake. So, I began running my hand down his chest going lower, and lower until his hand shot out from his side to grab my wrist.

"Nice wake-up call." He muttered groggily as he pulled me into his chest hugging me.

"I love you." I smiled at him as he soothingly ran his hands up and down with my back.

"I love you too Scarlett."

I smiled and kissed his chest. I closed my eyes listening to his heart. I must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up alone.

"Adrian?" I called out as I got out of bed bringing the sheet with me, I slipped on a pair of Adrian's boxers and his shirt from last night, I buttoned up the top buttons, so I was reasonably covered before making my way downstairs with a large grin plastered onto my face. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen I immediately regretted it. Roxy was there as was an extremely pissed off Elijah. I glanced towards Roxy she mothed a quick "I'm sorry." Before Elijah roughly shoved Adrian back causing him to stumble backwards into the table. I rushed over to Elijah and stood in front of him, so he couldn't hit out again.

"Elijah, leave him alone! What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"I went to pick you up from Roxy's, but you weren't there she tried to cover for you, but I worked it out. You were here doing god knows what with him!" He said equally as loud he went to move around me, but I placed my hands on his chest to stop him.

"Don't Elijah. What I do with the guy I love has nothing to do with you. Nor will it ever. You need to leave. Now!" I said strongly. He stood there for a moment too shocked to respond. When he finally snapped out of his daze, he threw me his jacket.

"Get dressed we're leaving," He declared as he began tugging me towards the door. I snatched my wrist back and glared at him "Scarlett I mean what I said. Come on." He said hotly.

"Like hell we are! You're not my father so stop acting like it!" I snapped causing him to tense he turned to me with a dark look in his eyes.

"Scarlett." He warned but I began making my back over to Adrian and Roxy.

"Elijah," said Adrian "Scarlett doesn't want to leave, you can't force her." Adrian said standing in front of me. I heard Roxy huff before she stomped up to Elijah.

"Seriously Elijah this is ridiculous! You can't stand here and judge her for doing something you do all the time. Just leave her be she's almost eighteen. They love each other can you honestly say that about all the girls you've slept with. No, of course, you can't. You have one minute to say your goodbyes and then we are leaving. Do you hear me?" Roxy snapped lecturing him. Elijah looks at her as if she had just slapped him. He crossed his arms over his chest his angry expression not once wavering.

"You're really not coming home with me?" He asked clearly annoyed I shook my head no. He sighed angrily casting us all a harsh glare. "Fine but don't expect me to cover for you!" He hissed before storming out. Roxy hugged me quickly before going after Elijah. After they had both left, I looked towards Adrian; he was deep in thought.

"Breakfast?" I asked as I made my way back into the kitchen. Food was already laid out I looked over to Adrian question.

"I was going to make you breakfast, but then Elijah showed up." He said with a shrug.

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