Chapter Ten

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New chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy it :)

Quote of the chapter: "We all have the capability to change and the future is not written by our past" – Robin Hood

Introducing Roxy she's played by Jennifer Lawrence ^^^


Scarlett's POV

I've been here for a week, the doctors cleared me to go home today which was great I missed my own bed though I probably should clean the mess I made last time I was there. I sighed that night was an all-time low for me I'm just glad I survived. I heard the door open, then close, then lock. Confused as to who was locking the door. I never locked this door nor did anyone who visited me. Turning I saw Cameron standing by the door with a sad look I sighed.

"What! What else could you possibly want from me?" I asked exasperated he sighed.

"Three minutes that's all I ask. Give me three minutes of your time so I can explain how things went down. Please?" He begged causing me to sigh.

"Fine but you only have these three minutes." He nodded smiling slightly.

"As you know the thing between me and Clara was going on for a while," I scoffed "and I mean it when I said she doesn't mean anything to me I-I was weak okay I was so tired of waiting for you to be ready and I just, well she kept sending me naked photos of herself and at first I was disgusted because she was your best friend but after like a few weeks of her sexting me I responded one thing lead to another and we-we met up without you and well hooked up. Afterwards, I felt so guilty. But then I kept making the same mistake over and over until I no longer felt any guilt. I was stupid really stupid, but believe me when I say I never meant for you to get hurt and when Adrian told me you were in a coma I thought you tried to kill yourself because of me and I almost hurled at how that made me feel. I-I should have never got involved with Clara and for that I'm sorry." He slumped down onto the chair with his head in his hands.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked my heart breaking inside my chest he looked at my teary eyes.

"Truthfully no. I was going to wait until you were ready and then when you were I was going to break it off with Clara." He admitted honestly.

"Is that how little, you think of me?" I asked the anger returning.

"I trusted you! How could you do this to me?" I cried he stood up and attempted to grab my hand.

"Don't. Your time is up." He shook his head.

"Scarlett please forgive me, I am sorry so, so sorry!" he pleaded I rolled my eyes.

"No, you're not sorry, you're guilty so you want me to forgive you so you can feel better about what you did. Do you think a half-arsed apology is going to persuade me to forgive you? Let me just clear that right up for you. It isn't. As cliché as it sounds actions speak louder than words Cameron, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I just want to forget you, but you're making it pretty damn hard, stop blaming me for all of your problems and sort yourself out. I need to heal and to do that I need time, much more time then you are giving me!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, but can I just say one last thing?" He breathed I nodded.

"I really am sorry," he said rushing up to me and cupping my face causing me to look at him. He crashed his lips to mine and I sat there trying so hard not to melt into his embrace. I pushed him away and he looked at me frowning "really." He whispered before he slowly backed out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

He just kissed me?!

How dare he!

My family came around eleven to come and take me home. I was happy to be leaving. Elijah walked into my room swinging the door open.

"Hey," he started "what's wrong?" He asked concern seeping through his features I chuckled.

"Everything." I shot back smiling goofily he rolled his eyes,

"What is really wrong?" He asked again.

"Literally everything." I repeated he flicked me on the forehead.

"Ow, you jerk I am still bruising you know." He cringed.

"Oops sorry I forgot." I shrugged it off.

"Err can you help me? It still hurts to walk." I asked smiling sheepishly at him.

"Yeah of course." He said and cautiously wrapped his arm around my body, my arm was dangling over his shoulder. I limped out the room wincing with each step. We had gotten to the vending machine where I saw Parker, he was with a shorter blonde girl/

"Scarlett!" He called and I looked to Elijah.

"Walk me over there, he's my friend." I smile as he turned, I limped along towards them. "Hey, Parker." I smiled.

"What happened to you, did somebody hit you with a truck?" The blonde girl asked bluntly causing me to chuckle.

"Roxy!" Parker scolded I smiled at her.

"Not so much a truck but a 4x4." I joked causing her to chuckle. Her eyes widened when they drifted to Elijah who was supporting me so I didn't fall he smirked at her and she quickly looked away.

"Parker this is my brother Elijah, Elijah this is Parker my "knight in shining armour" he helped me with Cam." I said and Elijah's face darkened.

"He's here!" Elijah asked immediately getting angry. I rolled my eyes.

"Help me sit you, ass." I said smirking at him. He set me down gently I looked to Parker and his friend.

"Scarlett this is Roxy, Rox this is Scarlett." He introduced us and I held out my hand she shook it smiling at me. We chatted for a while before the family came over.

"Alrighty then Bug, let get you home!" Adrian cheered whilst helping me into the wheelchair.

"I do not need a wheelchair, let me up I can walk." I protested causing Roxy and Parker to laugh.

"No can do, doctors' orders." I rolled my eyes.

"I swear If you don't let me up I'll kick your ass." I grumbled causing him to laugh/.

"Sweetheart I have no doubt in my mind that you will actually try to hit me but and it's a big but you cannot move your arm five centimetres without you wincing from the pain in your ribs." He concluded smirking smugly.

"No, but I can get Elijah to smack you, he likes hitting people..." I shot back playfully.

"Actually sis I'm with Adrian on this one." I let at a frustrated breath of air.

"Traitor!" I mumbled causing him to laugh.

"wait!" I said Eric turned me to face the others.

"Here take my number, both of you I need more friends," I called out to my new acquaintances, they inputted my number into their phones then texted me so I have theirs "okay we can leave, bye guys!" I hollered as Eric started pushing me towards the exit my family and Adrian in tow.


Not much happened this chapter it was just prepping you for the events about to go down tin the next chapter ;)

What are your thoughts on Parker?

Don't forget to




Until next time my lovelies

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