Chapter Eleven

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Quote of the chapter: "When you start seeing your worth, you'll find it harder to stay around people who don't" – unknown


Scarlett's POV

We had pulled up outside of my house. I sat there staring grateful I live to see it. Nearly dying puts a lot of things into perspective.

 "I want to go to school on Monday." I announced causing my mother to snap her gaze to mine.

"What? You- you need time to heal to-to rest. There is no way in hell you're going to be able to go back to school, so- so soon!" She stuttered out.

"I've had a week to rest remember. Besides, it's not like I can't walk. I mean I can use the crutches." Eric looked at disapprovingly.

"Scar I think you should take the next few weeks off just so you can give you some more time to heal. After that, you can do as you please. The school will still be there when you heal. Okay?" Eric reasoned I looked at him he looked drained. I nodded not wanting to argue.

"Okay. " I smiled at him, he returned the gesture and exited the car. He came round to the door to help me into the chair. I winced broken ribs are so annoying. I wanted to scream but I refrained. Elijah and Adrian jumped out, both wanting to wheel me inside but I glared at them knowing I can do it myself. I was doing quite successfully until I got stuck at the step. 

"Hey, Bug can we talk for a sec?" Adrian asked and I nodded, everyone carried on into the house and I stood up not wanting to sit anymore.

"What's up?" I said as I wrapped my jacket closer around me, the fall weather wasn't being too kind today.

 "Are you cold?" he asked I nodded.

"A little." He came closer to me and shrugged off his jacket before placing it around my shoulders I smiled thanking him.

"I saw Cameron coming out of your room this morning." I looked at him in shock

"And you actually refrained from hitting him... how big of you." I joked causing him to smile.

"I was with Elijah I thought it was best not to mention anything. Anyway, why was he there?" He asked not seeming too pleased. 

"He came to apologies he wanted me to forgive him." I admitted I thought it was best not to mention the kiss. He looked down quizzically. 

"Is that all?" I nodded not trusting my voice. His eyes travelled downwards to my hands noticing I was rubbing my thumb over my knuckle I quickly stopped.

"Please don't tell me you forgave him. He cheated on you!" His voice was angry. I scoffed/

"I know that. Don't you think I know that? I didn't forgive him. I told him I was hurt, I didn't forgive him I told him to leave me alone and that I needed space." I said equally annoyed by his low opinion of me. His features softened.

"I'm sorry Bug." he mumbled softly.

"I would hug you but I can't lift my arms that high without it hurting, so come here and hug me." I laughed he took a step forward encasing me in his arms I sighed happily as his scent wrapped around me making me feel relaxed.

We pulled back and he rested his forehead on mine staring deeply into my eyes. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart was beating quicker. I fidgeted with the belt on my dress. He reached up cupping my face I leaned into his touch. Relishing the moment of peace. He leant down closing the gap between us my heart leapt into a frenzy of excited beats. I kissed him back for a moment loving the feeling of him lips on mind then pulled back. Shocked I stuttered out "w-why did- everyone just needs to stop kissing me," I huffed as I turned on my heel and rushed into the house ignoring the constant pain in my chest. I leaned back against the door and brought my hands up to my lips smiling slightly. Crap I left the chair outside. "Elijah?!" I yelled. He rushed down the stairs.

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