Chapter Twenty-Two

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Quote of the chapter: "if you could feel my heartbeat now it would hit you like a sledgehammer."

Scarlett's POV

Roxy sat in the front seat of Elijah's car anxiously fiddling with her bag. She obviously felt nervous about how she looked in front of Elijah her little crush was known throughout our little friendship group. Though I knew he was just as crazy about her than she was about him. I think she knows too but is scared to admit it. I could see Elijah sneaking glances at her. I smiled at their awkwardness, pulling my phone from the small clutch bag that was sitting on my lap I text her: "Grow a pair xo." Laughing inwardly. Her response was just as amusing. She turned slightly shooting me a glare. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

We pulled onto Adrian's street, most of the spaces were taken so we had to park down the street and walk the rest of the way. I opened the door and stepped onto the asphalt; my heels hoisted me up to around an inch taller. I shut the door behind me and walked over to Roxy linking my arm with hers.

"You look gorgeous, there's no need to look so panicked." I smiled at the slightly scared look on her face. She did in fact look great, the way the dress hugged her, and the glowing of her skin made her seem alluring which was complemented by her makeup which gave her an overall boldness. She made head turn especially Elijah's.

"I think Adrian is going to faint when he sees you!" she exclaimed quite excited. I rolled my eyes.

"He probably won't even notice me." She scoffed at my reply.

We got to Adrian's and it was as wild as he said it would be. People were everywhere, some were already stumbling across the lawn, empty cups and beer cans were littered across the grass as well as the gravel pathway. There were a few people smoking on the porch whether it was plain ole cigarettes or weed was yet to be determined. The loud music that was being blasted could be heard from down the street. We stepped inside the smell of alcohol intermingled with sweat hit me full force making my nose itch.

People occupied most of the floor as well as the seats, I saw Parker sitting on the stairs his arm was strung sloppily around some cute girls' shoulder as he whispered no doubt sexual things in her ear. She giggled at whatever he said and caressed his thigh. He noticed us and excused himself much to the girls' dismay. He confidently strode over to us with a lazy grin plastered on his face. He looked good. Really good. He wore loose ripped jeans and pink-tinted jumper which gave the illusion he was built bigger than he actually was.

"How do you like the décor, I helped with the lights." He boasted proudly. I glanced around and there was in fact lights strung up over the place that shed different colours around the rooms. For him, it was quite impressive.

"I'm surprised you and Adrian had the brainpower to set this up." Roxy remarked causing me to giggle and Parker to glare playfully at her.

"Yeah well, I was going to compliment you how good you are. But now I'm offended," he paused and turned to me.

"But you... you look ravishing. Oh, how I'd love to- oomph!" I elbowed him.

"Quit while you alive Parker." I smirked at him. His only response was a breathless chuckle

"I'm getting you a drink; you need to loosen up." He declared and dispersed into the crowd; I searched the room for Adrian, but I couldn't see him.

"I'm going to find Adrian." I yelled over the music. Roxy nodded and I began pushing my way through the sea of bodies, some people shot me disapproving looks as I wedged myself past them, I cringed. I stepped into the kitchen relieved at the fact it wasn't as crowded as the living room. I looked around and that's when I saw him. he was leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face. My breath caught in my throat; all I could do was stare. As if he sensed my burning gaze, he turned his head towards me and my eyes raked his body finely, I drank in his appearance as If it was the first time seeing him. he had dark fitted jeans on with a navy-blue shirt hanging over it he also had on a black jacket on. He looked like everything good in the world and I felt my heart speed up as he smirked at me. I was so engrossed in checking him out I forgot he was watching me. He made his way over to me with two red plastic cups in his hands.

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