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"Your life is your story and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfil your own purpose and potential." – Kerry Washington"

Scarlett's POV

My eyes scanned the crowd looking for familiar faces I was nervous. So very nervous. My eyes landed on my parents well my mom and Eric, I smiled at them Elijah was there too his face was so full of joy when he grinned at me, I couldn't help but grin back. Next to him were Emma and Kyle. They were holding hands and smiling gleefully at the stage. I wasn't that far from Adrian his last name being Jones he was near the front, I was somewhere in the middle, Roxy way down near the end, her last name is Wilson. Parker was standing near the very front I could see him fiddling with his fingers a nervous habit of his. I would have offered words of encouragement, but he wasn't looking in my direction. I looked back towards my mom and Eric and laughed lightly. Eric and Elijah were poking each other, and my mom was munching on popcorn like she was at a baseball game. I shook my head; they were always silly, but I loved them none the less. To my right were all the important school faculty such as the principal. They looked somewhat besotted as if they couldn't believe we had made it this far... well me too buddy. Me too.

All to soon we were asked to stand for our names to be called. I watched gleefully as Parker's name was called and he took a deep breath and made his way onto the stage. He was greeted by Mr Blake, our school principal and he was given his diploma, he walked over to the important people whom I couldn't remember the names off he shook their hands. I grinned at him he looked so happy. He was so cute. Ten minutes later my name was called. My nerves were fumbling around the place causing me to shake. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine." They said I turned to see Clara I smiled at her as I made my way to the stage.

Do not trip. Do not trip. Do not trip!

I chanted as I made my way to the principle. He greeted me with a warm smile, I smile back at him. He handed me my diploma, "Congratulations. Scarlet Mendoza everybody." He said loudly the crowd started clapping and I caught sight of my mom she was grinning at me a proud expression was glued to her face. It filled me with newfound confidence as I made my way across the stage to the place, I saw Parker shake hands with, I did the same. Once we had all gotten our diplomas, we all had to move out tassels to the other side of the cap, I never really understood this part. But I did it anyway. After this there were a few speeches, some were boring and long but mostly everyone kept things short and funny to which I was glad.

"Well then here it is, the class of 2019!" The principal said as we all cheered. Adrian slipped in line next to me and he grabbed my hand smiling at me. I pulled him into a kiss he responded just as eagerly but we pulled away as everyone began throwing their caps I laughed as we did it too.

Everything had fallen into place. I stared at Adrian as he was talking to his parents and I just knew that I was never going to love anyone as much as I loved him and I'd be lying if that didn't scare the hell out of me because what if one day he decides I'm no longer it for him. He sauntered over to me and engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug, then I felt more hands hug me. I pulled back my arms around everyone. "We did it." Roxy beamed I nodded.

"Together," I said softly, Parker pulled us into another group hug, and we were all laughing.

And that's when I felt my worries melt away, perfection doesn't exist but what we have hits close to the mark. I know that deep down what these idiots and I have is a lifelong bond and I know that ten years from now we're all going to be sitting in my front room of a house that I own around the coffee table laughing at something dumb that Parker did whist we watching our kids run around creating their life long friendships. I smiled at the feeling that rushed through me. This friendship we all share is irreplaceable. And that won't ever change.


This is it, guys... the final chapter this story has been very emotional, and I can't thank you guys enough for taking the time to read and vote on this story so, thank you so very much 😊

Don't forget to




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