Chapter Thirteen

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I love this chapter
Quote of the chapter: "happiness is a drug and I want to be your dealer"
Scarlett's POV

I was the last to wake up. Roxy was sitting on my bed upon seeing me stir she glanced at me then at my neck then me again she was smirking at me.

"What?" I muttered groggily.

"Have a good night?" She asked cocking a brow.

"Err I suppose." I asked confused.

"So you didn't wake up at all?" My heart sped up. Does she know...? Oh, my god did she hear us? "Er nope. Slept the whole night."I lied she rolled her eyes.

"Sure." She muttered holding up her phone camera. There was a big purpled bruise right in the middle of my neck I slapped my hand up to it inspecting it. A hickey. Adrian gave me a fricking hickey.

"Shit pass me that!" I said motioning towards my dressing gown. Quickly shoving it on making sure it covered it up I sat up Roxy sniggered at me.

"You can tell me later." She smirked I got up the pain was lessening which I was glad about. Walking up to Adrian I slapped him on the back of the head. 

"Good morning to you too."he smirked. I glared at him.

"Bathroom now!" I ordered stomping well limping off into it. He followed me and once he was I locked the door and turned on the tap so they couldn't overhear us.

"What's wrong with you this morning?" He joked "Is this about last night because I enjoyed it too okay?" He admitted smiling at me.

"Yes it's about last night. How could you!" I whisper yelled he looked confused I pulled back the gown revealing the mark he left on me his face dropped but his eyes sparkled with approval.

"I did not mean to do that. We- it was a heat of the moment thing I er? Sorry?" I rolled my eyes. "I meant it though. I enjoyed it." He smirked at me I bit my lip and his eyes darkened. He came closer to me and pushed me lightly against the door before attacking my mouth with his. Immediately my anger dissipated as our lips danced in a moment of passion. I tangled my hands in his hair and tugged on it. He groaned. We pulled apart my eyes remained closed for a moment before I opened them. He was smiling at me.

"Act upset." I ordered he nodded I straightened out my hair and my clothes and ripped open the bathroom door and stomped out. Sort of.

"What's up with her?" Parker asked Adrian shrugged.

"Period maybe?" I glared at him before throwing a pillow at him.


"Kid's breakfast." My mother yelled and I took a deep breath pulling the gown closer to me. I turned to Roxy.

"Can you see it?" I whispered worriedly she surveyed my neck and shook her head I sighed in relief shooting Adrian a glare to which he responded with a wink.

We all say around the table I piled up the pancakes.

"Ugh, I've missed food." I moaned as the chocolatey goodness melted in my mouth.

"Scar?" My mom questioned I glanced at her my anxiousness shooting through the roof "you have chocolate on your chin." She giggled I blushed and quickly wiped it off.

Around noon everyone left except Roxy. We'd decided to go into town. Much to my mother's displeasure. She agreed to drive us none the less. When we had arrived I promised to pick up some groceries on the way back well Adrian did as he was the one picking us up. We walked around for a while but eventually, we sat inside Starbucks. After we had ordered and sat at a small secluded table at the back.

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