Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Quote of the chapter: "People who are crazy rarely question if they're crazy..." Adrian Ivashakov.

Scarlett's POV

Since Adrian's mass declaration of love, we've been somewhat inseparable. I haven't been this happy in a long time and I'm thankful that everything seems to be dying down with Cameron and Clara and it feels weird to not be tethered into their game anymore. It's like my life was slowly falling back into place, it was odd but strangely reassuring.

I woke up to the alarm clocks annoying voice yelling at me. With my eyes closed I quickly shut it off, I snuggled back into my pillow and resumed my sleep. Well, that was my plan until Elijah stormed into my room and plopped down onto my bed. He said nothing, he just lay there so me being me I kicked him wanting him to move and mope around somewhere else.

"Dude what do you want." I huffed annoyed at him for interrupting my sleep. He only shook his head. "That head shake didn't answer my question you ass." I said crossing my legs as I sat up. He sighed before crossing his arms over his chest with a disgruntled expression.

"It's Roxy, she just told me she's going to prom with that jerk from on the soccer team." He said as I rolled my eyes. Elijah and Roxy had fallen out recently because he had told her, and I quote: "Relationships aren't my thing." After that, she ended whatever it was that was going on between them and now, he's all broody and annoying.

"For starters, he isn't a jerk. He's actually a really nice guy and he actually wants a relationship with her and won't screw around and to be quite honest Lijah you were the one who-"

"I know what I said." He snapped cutting me off sharply, I huffed rolling my eyes.

"If you don't like it do something about it but I'm warning you, do not ruin her night. You hear me?" I warned him sharply. He sighed and got up.

"Bye jackass." He said causing me to flip him the bird.

I took out my phone and dialled Roxy's number it rang out a few times before she answered.

"Hey girl what's up?"

"Hey, Roxy let's go shopping. We need dresses and I need to get out of the house." I sighed dramatically flopping down on my bed. I heard her laugh.

"Yeah sure, I'll come and pick you up." She said cheerfully.

"Okay see you then."

"Bye." She said before cutting the call. I got up and started my morning routine. Once I had showered and gotten ready I made my way down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen I saw Eric he was hunched over a bowl of cereal he smiled at me before shovelling some more food into his mouth I laughed at him before grabbing a cereal bar.

"You know you aren't supposed to inhale your food Ric." I teased he rolled his eyes and set down his spoon, before giving me an amused look.

"I mean your one to talk didn't you just last night completely demolish a p-"

"You vowed not to speak of that!" I said cutting him off my voice low, embarrassed even, his only response was a hearty chuckle which in return made me smile. "Anyways I'm going shopping Roxy will be here soon so, make sure Elijah stays upstairs," I said with a smirk Eric nodded offering me a small shrug. I sauntered into the front room where I stood for a moment and stare at the place where I sat when Owen had come for us. I felt an unbearable amount of sadness even though he is crazy he was still my father and he still betrayed us, all of us. Shaking my head I went and sat next to mom, I rested my head in her shoulder. She stroked my hair before kissing my forehead.

"Hey, mom." I said smiling.

"Hi sweetie, are you going out?" She questioned I nodded.

"I'm meeting Roxy, were going shopping. For prom dresses." I said excitedly. She laughed.

"Oh, honey you are going to look so beautiful at prom."

"Thanks, mom," I smiled that's when I heard Roxy beep her horn "well this is me. I'll be back later." I said as I started to stand. She stood too pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back before I left.

We arrived at the mall and made a quick stop at the store to pick up some necessities before settling in a little café near the boutique we were visiting after we grabbed breakfast. I have it on good authority that Roxy's lover Chris works here little does Roxy know. We entered and I smiled it was quite cute tables were scattered all around and they distinctly reminded me of IKEA, there were Monet paintings framed on the walls standing out beautifully against the light painted walls the tables were littered with menus as well as the salt and pepper shakers and some had large bottle of condiments it was all pretty cute. The waiters were all dressed in similar clothing, white shirts with the name Rosella's stitched into the fabric in black cursive letters, black pants and an adorable bowtie. I liked this place.

"It's so cute." Roxy gushed glancing around with a large smile I nodded looking up at the slow turning ceiling fans with a smile.

"Ugh it smells so good in here," I grinned "let's sit." I said cheerily as I began walking towards a table near the back. We sat down and immediately began surveying the menu.

"Oooh the burritos, oooh the pancakes. Ahh, the specials!" Roxy sighed dramatically causing me to giggle.

"Let's get the burritos.... Oh! But I really want some pancakes." Roxy whined.

"Get the burritos, the pancakes are on me." A voice from behind us announced we turned to see Chris smiling at us.

"Chris? You work here?" Roxy mumbled causing him to smile softly at her, she blushed as he winked at her. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"So, burritos and pancakes? What drinks would you like?" He asked slipping into work mode.

"Hot cocoa... with cinnamon." I said automatically, this will forever be my favourite drink. Forever. Roxy grunted with disapproval.

"Really, you always order that... the menu has endless possibilities... I'll have a salted caramel chocolate shake." She said with a grin. I scoffed.

"All those "endless possibilities" and you go with that." I laughed she glared at me causing Chris to laugh.

"I'll be back with your drinks shortly." He said politely before making his exit.

After breakfast, we went off looking for our dresses and by the end of the night, we had found them.

I was looking forward to prom more and more each second!


Ooo I can't wait to write this next chapter... Prom night!

How will it go?

What will happen?

Read to find out...

Don't forget to




Until next time my lovelies

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