Chapter Seven

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This chapter is well... full of drama and emotion. I hope you guys enjoy

"We cling to the justifications of our anger with a desperate stubbornness because otherwise, we'd have to deal with the overwhelming pain that underlies it" - Greg Baer


Scarlett's POV

I had been hauled up in my room for three days my mom was trying desperately to get me to come out and talk to her as was Eric and Elijah, but I refused every time. I snuck downstairs when everyone was sleeping to eat something, I had taken food into my room, so I was good for a while. I had turned off my phone due to the constant texts from Cam. Clara had been sending me photos of her and Cam which only made this whole situation worse.

"Scarlett!! Open up it's been three days everyone is worried sick about you I swear I will climb through the window if you don't open this door." Adrian's voice boomed through the door.

"Just leave me alone. Go away" I replied sadness seeping out with each word.

"Please, Bug let me in," He begged.

"I want to see you, please it's breaking my heart to hear you cry and not being able to hug you. Scarlett open the door please?" I sobbed harder.

"Just leave!" I snapped I heard him sigh and walk down the stairs. I switched my phone on. As much as it hurt me to read all of his messages I did it.

Cameron: Scar I'm sorry it was a mistake

Cameron: please answer. Let's talk about this I love you❤️

Cameron: Scarlett please she means nothing to me. She was just there for me to screw whilst I waited for you to be ready. she wasn't even that good please don't ignore me. Please baby girl ❤️

Cameron: FINE be like that

Cameron: No, no, no I'm sorry ❤️

A new message alert Clara

Clara: *image* He's mine now. Stay away from him!

It was a picture of Cam kissing her cheek with his eyes closed. She was smirking at the camera.

I let out a scream of frustration. Throwing my phone at the wall it collided with the mirror causing it to shatter, I began throwing more things. I saw the picture of me, Cam and Clara sitting on a bench smiling at each other I threw it at the wall causing it to break. I walked over to it and roughly snatching up the paper causing the glass to cut the palm of my hand. I didn't care. I grabbed all the things I had of Cam and Clara including the dress I wore to dinner the night I caught them. Shoving them into a bag I angrily I ripped open my door and stormed downstairs.

All four pairs of eyes stared at me shocked as I made my way into the kitchen blood was dripping down my arm some landed on the floor, but I was too angry to care. I grabbed the bottle whiskey and matches.

"Scarlett what are you doing?" Eric asked cautiously I turned to him with fire in my eyes.

"Burning some trash." I spat as I made my way into the backyard. Throwing it all in the fire pit I wiped the sweat off my forehead not realising I was still bleeding so evidently I just smeared blood all over my face. I took a large swig from the bottle and dumped the rest on the pile of clothes and pictures. I attempted to light the matches, but they just kept breaking. Frustratedly I through the broken ones on the floor and tried again and again and again. After a while, a hand clasped over mine and took the matches from me. Adrian. He lit it and passed it to me. I threw it into the pit and watched my memories burn.

Adrian pulled me into a hug, and I couldn't hold back the tears, I sobbed into his chest.

"I hate them." I cried Adrian stroked my hair.

"I know, it's okay, you're okay." I pulled away from him.

"I-I need to go?" I said and I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of whiskey and dashed out of the house. My thoughts were all jumbled and I couldn't quite process what was going on, I heard them all shouting after me. I settled on a park bench and started chugging the content of the bottle. I could feel it burn the whole way down, but I didn't mind in fact I relished it. I waited for the hazy feeling to cloud my mind and sure enough, it came. I smiled at the feeling.

"Scarlet what the hell come back!" I heard Elijah yell I rolled my eyes and attempted to chug the rest of the bottle before he snatched it away from me throwing it on the floor.

"H-hey thhhats good w-whiskyy-" I slurred.

"Come with me. Let's get you home." I shook my head and ran away giggling because I made him mad. I had run across the field Elijah had caught up to me and attempted to grab my arm I stumbled back away from him but my foot slipped off the curb I fell back only to see the two bright beaming lights of a car zooming my way but by the time the driver had realized I was there it was too late I felt the car collide with my body I felt nothing but pain. White hot searing pain.

"Scarlett!" I heard him yell before everything went black.


Ooo is she okay?

What happens next...

Find out what happens in the next chapter

Don't forget to




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