Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Quote of the chapter: "You always gain by giving love." - Reese Witherspoon

Scarlett's POV

Jenna had finished the last curl and was about to pin my side pieces back using the clip my mom was given by hers. It was around 2cm and was made entirely of gold it was truly beautiful. I stared at myself in the mirror. The gradient change in colours that danced across my eyelids. Starting with a shimmering white fading into a navy azure. The middle was shining with glitter. My eyebrows were carved to perfection, the light layers of foundation felt foreign against my face. My lips were coated with a beautiful dusty rose colour that made the whole look come together. It was beautiful. I looked beautiful.

I slipped into my dress with Jenna's help of course. I turned to the mirror and gasped. It was gorgeous. The white lace that covered my chest was covered in small intricate designs that stopped both at my neck and waist. Both covered with a blue band that had a design of their own. The dress itself was sleeveless to which I was pleased with. The bottom section was a sky blue and it was a puffy dress but only slightly I loved it. The fabric was covered with a transparent mesh giving the dress an alluring quality to top it off I had chosen white high heels that were strappy. It was perfect but I was still incredibly nervous. What if everyone hates it or what if Adrian doesn't like it.

Oh lord!

"No, they'll be none of that! You look gorgeous Scarlett Mendoza! My handy work ensures it." She joked causing me to smile. I turned to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Jenna! So much." I beamed she shook her head.

"You're welcome love now let's head to the photoshoot that awaits you." I smiled at her.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Jenna said before rushing over to the dresser and picks up Adrian's bracelet my heart leaps at the sentiment. She fiddled with the clasp for a moment before it had settled around my wrist. I hugged her again and we pulled back she then held out her arm for me to take it and so I did she walked me towards the stairs.

Don't trip, don't trip, please don't trip.

I chanted over in my head as I descended the stairs. Once I was in the front room everyone stopped to stare at me. My mom gasped and dropped the glass she was holding luckily Eric caught it before it hit the floor. She clasped her hand to her mouth. "You look... incredible." She gushed before pulling me into a hug.

"Hey watch the dress." I joked causing her to chuckle.

"I love you, sweetie." She whispered causing me to smile into our embrace.

"I love you too momma."

We pulled back and I looked over towards Elijah and Eric they were smiling at us. "You look okay... I guess." Said Elijah with a playful look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes punching his arm.

"I look better than you did at your prom..." I trailed off making a disgusted look. He rolled his eyes and hugged me. I hugged him back laughing slightly.

"So, Ric does my dress get your fatherly approval?" I asked sheepishly. He did a once over and grinned.

"I don't know about fatherly, but it does get my approval you look beautiful." He smiled clasping out hands together.

"You're the closest thing I have to a loving father. Minus Elijah and his overprotective mumbo jumbo. You may not be my biological father, but you are my father. And I love you." He looked shocked he looked over towards my mom who was watching the exchange with loving eyes.

"You... just... father?" He mumbled at a loss for words. Then he hugged me tightly.
"I love you too Scarlett."

Then all to quickly the doorbell rang out breaking up our little family moment. I sighed my angst shooting through the roof Elijah grabbed my hand squeezing it softly.

"He's probably going to fall over." Elijah chuckled. I took a deep breath as my mom and Eric went to open the door. I stood there anxiously fiddling with my fingers.

"Oh, Adrian don't you look lovely." I heard my mom gush. She led him into the front room where I stood nervously may I add. Did I mention I was nervous? So very nervous.

And that's when he saw me. He didn't say anything he just stared. His eyes drank in my appearance as if I was an oasis as he was stranded in a desert. His gaze is so intense I couldn't keep up the silent staring contest anymore. I looked down blushing profusely.

"Wow... you... you're breath-taking... err wow." He said at last. I smiled at him he too looked amazing. He wore a black suit that fit him perfectly. His messy hair was styled to look somewhat tamed. His tie was a light blue matching my dress. He pulled something out of his pocket it was a single-flowered corsage. A gardenia. My favourite.

"I know you think roses are cliché, so I got you this it's a-" "Gardenia." We said at the same time. I held out my hand so he could put it on me. His fingers circled my wrist. His touch was soft, but it burned in the best was possible. Right now in this moment it was just us. Everyone else faded away. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

The flash of a camera pulled us out of our trance. That's when I noticed my mom with a camera. I grinned at her. She took a few more pictures before Eric forced her to let us go.

Outside waiting for us was a black and white Porsche Panamera. I gasped and turned to Adrian.
"How did you..." I trailed off as I walked towards the car. There I saw a man dressed sharply in the front seat. Adrian walked over to the door and opened it for me. I kissed his cheek and smiled before slipping inside the car. I ran my hand across the soft interior and grinned. Adrian slid in next to me and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Tonight is going to be epic." I cheered Adrian nodded.

"Big plans?" He asked I looked at him and took a deep breath before opening my clutch bag I gave it to him. He peeked inside and snapped his eyes to mine. A million questions swimming in his eyes. "Really?" I nodded smiling at him.

"I love you. And this feels right with you. Every ounce of my heart tells me that being with you is quite possibly the best thing I could do because I'm so undeniably in love with you Adrian." I confessed he turned to me and crashed his lips to mine. I pulled him closer, kissing him harder. He pulled back and pushed me backwards slightly. I smirked at him. "Too much for you to handle Jones?"

"In due time sweetheart. In due time." He smirked.

I leaned over to his ear and whispered "You mean tonight?" I grinned. His face hardened and his eyes grew serious. I laughed at him before pulling out my phone. "Let's make some memories." I smiled.

We arrived at the venue and the rest of the night was waiting for us.


Awhh they're so cuteeeee.

What happens next?

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Until next time my lovelies

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