Chapter Fifteen

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OOP I hope you enjoy this chapter


Scarlett's POV

Since the stunt, Parker and I pulled in front of Cameron and Clara things have been pretty quiet the five have us have been with each other pretty much whenever we get a spare moment. We've gotten closer as a group and I'm quite thankful. Nova, she's nice not to mention beautiful. She stood at around 5'5 and had a gorgeous figure. Her light brown almost blonde hair flowed freely past her shoulder blades her natural waves gave her an overall cute vibe her and Adrian spent most of their free time together meaning we haven't really seen each other which is upsetting being as my mom keeps telling me to invite him over. I sighed I miss him. On the physical side I'm going a lot better it no longer hurts to walk or move which was great it was annoying having to rely on everyone to support me, so I didn't double over in pain.

I slipped on my shoes and walked down the stairs "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a bit." I called out as I unlocked the front door making sure to grab my key "okay sweetie." she replied. I zipped up my jacket and took off. I knew where I was going so, I just headed straight there.

Pulling back the leaves I walked inside sighing deeply. I walked over to the lake and sat on the large boulder, pulling off my shoes and then my socks I let my feet fall into the water the cold liquid touching my bare skin made me shiver slightly. I pulled out my phone and dialled Roxy's number:

Roxy: "Hey." she yawned

Me: "Tell me I haven't just woken you up. It's like 2 pm." I laughed

Roxy: "Whattt no." she laughed

Me: "I need girl talk." I confessed

Roxy: "Where shall I meet you." she asked causing me to smile

Me: "My house? Oh but I must warn you Elijah will be here." I asked

Roxy: "Definitely and okay that is great." she cheered. I honestly think she has a thing for Elijah

Me: "Okay see you there." I said as I put my socks back on.

I smiled I seriously have the best friends. Even though we've only known each other for a few months but it feels like I've known them for years.

"Girl talk eh?" I turned to see Adrian sitting on the grass I nodded "I'm surprised you're talking to me." I said bitterly. "What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned "It's nothing I'm sorry." I apologised "well I suppose you best get off Bug." he said. Our eyes met and my stomach erupted into butterflies. Ever since that night we made out it's been happening every time I'm around him I get nervous and awkward. It's annoying.

I arrived back home around twenty minutes later, I got there just as Roxy pulled up "well would you look at that for timing." she smirked causing me to chuckle "hey." I said as I pushed open my door "mom, Eric Roxy's here." I informed them "ella se queda a cenar?" (is she staying for dinner) I turned to her "are you staying for dinner?" I asked and she shrugged "sí." I called back.

"You know where my room is. I'll meet you up there." I murmured before walking into the kitchen. Slipping past Eric to get to the fridge I opened it and took two cans of diet coke and a bag of chocolate before heading to my room. Once I got in there what I saw made me drop all of the snacks Elijah was kissing Roxy "err? Guys?!" I asked shocked Elijah pulled back and Roxy was staring at him with wide eyes "you-you just-what?" she stuttered confused. I looked at Elijah, but he just left "what was that?" I asked her she was still shocked "I-I don't? err..." she trailed off probably processing what just happened. I made a mental note to talk to Elijah about it later "so ahem." she said clearing her throat "what did you need to talk about?" she asked shaking her head. I sighed "have you noticed that Adrian's been really distant towards me it's like every time I walk into the room he goes quiet and just completely shuts down?" I murmured "yeah I noticed that I just thought he felt awkward about that make-out session you guys had." she shrugged "I mean the day after it he started dating Nova," I sighed "maybe he regrets it?" I offered she looked at me "do you miss him?" she asked, and I frowned "of course, I miss his smile, and I miss the way he laughs and riding with him on the bike ugh and when he pulls that cute face when he's concentrating and the way we talked for hours on the phone and when he'd randomly face time me because he 'misses my face'. I miss everything including that stupid yet infuriating smirk." I finished smiling to myself "oh my god. You like him!" she squealed. I looked at her shocked. "I do not!" I argued.

Did I? No... yes.

My eyes widened at the realisation

I like Adrian. My best friend. I groaned at how cliché it was.

"I like Adrian," I whispered more to myself than Roxy


AHHH! She likes him!!

How cute!!

Will she tell him?

Will Roxy tell him?

What's happening between Roxy and Elijah?

Don't forget to




Until next time my lovelies

Happy new year guys. This'll be the last post of 2019!!!
I wish you all well in 2020 my lovelies xx

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