Chapter Twenty

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Quote of the chapter: "Anything is possible when you have the right people to support you."

Scarlett's POV

After that highly awkward moment, we slipped into our normal chatter, however, I was too distracted to really pay attention I glanced over to Adrian he and Roxy were in a heated discussion though they didn't seem to be arguing, she was smiling at him. The two snuck a glance towards the rest of the group. Roxy nodded and then made her way back over to us. I shot him a questioning look but she just shrugged "so what now?" Parker spoke up I shrugged "I'm really hungry, I probably should have eaten with you guys. I'm just going to grab a burger, be right back." I announced before standing up and grabbing my purse "I'll come with you," said Adrian "I could use a drink, anyone else want one?" he asked politely Elijah handed Adrian a few notes and asked him to get him two cans of coke.

We were walking side by side silently, I sighed "what's up buttercup?" Adrian mused and I rolled my eyes "nothing, I'm just thinking." I said softly he glanced at me "about?" he pressed you! I internally answered, "it's not important." I shrugged causing him to frown "is it about what I did earlier, with Nova?" he asked whilst gripping my hand "sort of," I shrugged "I'm just so confused, the month you guys were dating everything seemed fine and then out of the blue you dump her. Is-is it because you're scared of commitment? Or is there someone else?" I asked waiting patiently for him to answer. A grim almost pained look appeared on his face "no, I'm not afraid of commitment Bug. She just isn't the one I wanted to commit to. I thought if I could get this other girl Nova and I would be fine, but I couldn't, I can't get her out of my head." He admitted and I stood there unresponsive, a loss for words "who is she?" I asked daring a glance at those captivating green eyes which were shining with admiration? Without another word he pulled me into his chest and tipped my head back before crashing his lips to mine. I responded instantly. A warm feeling spread through me igniting my senses. His hand trailed from my face to my waist, everywhere his fingers brushed sent electricity throughout my whole body, his touch burned, and I loved it, my mind was clouded with sheer bliss, I stopped thinking for once and just let go. Well, that was until I started thinking again.

I pulled back abruptly "w-what?" I stuttered out he eyes bore deeply into mine "you need to stop, stop with the flirting, the comments and above all stop with the kissing! It is confusing the hell out of me, I mean seriously you just-I can't- I have feelings for you! You are literally frying my brain. It means something to me and if it doesn't to you, you need to stop." I rushed out my heart still beating wildly in my chest. He stared at me awhile processing what I had just said "you have feelings for me?" he asked his voice sounded happy, almost hopeful my eyes widened "I didn't mean- " I stopped sighing "yes," I admitted, "so you can't play me because it's just going to hurt me even more than it did watching you play happy couples with Nova." I mumbled looking at the ground. "you don't have to worry about that Scarlett I'd never mess you about like that." He proclaimed and I smiled slightly "I just can't seem to stay away from you. I tried I really did but I just can't." he said his voice was low, husky even. "Then don't, don't push me away." I breathed. Our gazes were locked onto each other and before I had a chance to speak his lips were once again on mine. The familiar feeling of warmth washed over me intoxicating me. I pulled back he smiled down at me "I promise from now on I'll never push you away again. How does that sound Bug?" I grinned "perfect."

We had arrived back at the bench I sat down next to Roxy and Adrian joined me sitting to my left I was silently nibbling on my burger as I listened to the others conversation. "So, Adrian, when is your party?" Elijah asked glancing at him, I looked up waiting for the answer "Friday," he said smirking. Damn that smirk! "It's going to be the biggest one of the year my friends. I assure you." I sniggered "are you sure about that?" I mocked his cocky stare. His eyebrows shot up in a playful way "oh trust me I'm sure." He grinned I gestured to all of us around the table "last time I checked we're your only friends... it's not going to be a very big party if we are the only ones invited." I mused he scoffed "you guys aren't my only friends you know." He rolled his eyes the smile never leaving his lips. Parker slapped his hand to his chest "we-we're not" he feigned a hurt look, his eyes actually teared up slightly I chuckled "dude that was pretty good you should try drama class." Adrian stated seriously "meh." He shrugged "so who is actually coming?" Roxy asked before he could answer I spoke up "and your imaginary friends don't count." I teased "be quiet woman," he shot back his voice playful "what am I annoying you? I do apologise." I smiled sarcastically causing him to shoot me a playful glare.

Without warning, he slipped his hand onto my thigh squeezing it. I froze. He smirked but didn't look at me "I invited Chris and all of his crew. He said he'd invite more people so I'm guessing he won't hesitate to spread the word." Adrian said. His hand began to move higher up my leg causing me to jerk upwards the sudden movement caught me off guard and I ended up hitting my knee on the bench "shit that hurt" I hissed everyone turned to look at me "What's wrong Bug?" Adrian taunted I narrowed my eyes at him "something bit me... I think." I mumbled lamely "want me to take a look, my mother is a doctor?" he smirked "no." I said quickly causing him to chuckle. As soon as everyone resumed what they were doing before my outburst I turned to Adrian and forcefully shoved his hand off my leg "I hate you." I whisper-yelled at him, he bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. He looks so se- Nope not going there! I mentally scolded myself he looked at me curiously studying my face. "take a picture it'll last longer." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. The next thing I saw was the bright light of a flash followed by the sound of a picture being taken. I sat there staring at him "did you just...?" I said slightly aghast he smirked at me "I took your advice sweetheart." he chuckled. Roxy laughed at us and began talking to me. I turned giving her my full attention. Not realising he had slipped his stupid hand back onto my leg. He sat smirking to himself, proud at how he was distracting me.

That stupid, arrogant ass!


Another chapter completed for you guys! I hope you like it

More drama is about to unfold...

What will happen at the party?

Will things change?

Keep reading to find out

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Until next time my lovelies!

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