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Emilia's pov:
I sit in my room overlooking the backyard where my new siblings still learn to fight against newborns. Jasper had allowed me to sit this one out since I, just like himself have more experience with those. I watch them all go over the most important things yet again. And I am relieved to see that they all have gotten a lot better at it. Watching them stings my heart a little. Don't get me wrong, i am more than just thankful that i got a new family, more siblings and everything. Still I can't stop but miss my original big and protective brother. He back than was the only true family that I had. My parents didn't care for me at all since they only liked boys but since I turned out to be a girl. They simply pushed me aside and let me fend for myself. That day Demetri didn't got back home to his usual time I was really worried. After nearly waiting the whole night awake, I wanted to leave myself to look for him. But since I only was a fourteen year old girl, I didn't get allowance to do so. So after two weeks I finally was able to sneak out in the middle of the night in the hope of finding my brother. My family and only person that cares for me. I however didn't got far till I got attacked by a vampire. He had already fed from two others so he simply drank a little before leaving me in the middle of a wooden area to go through the change on my own. When the pain finally had stopped i was completely exhausted and absolutely petrified! I was unbelievable thirsty but I kept myself hidden away from anyone. To my luck Carlisle along with Edward found me not long afterwards. They right away realized that I was a vampire just like them and also that I was only barely alive from lack of blood. Carlisle simply picked me up and brought me to a small house they were staying in that time. Both of them made me drinks lot of blood and took care of me till I was finally back to a healthy state. That's a lie though, they till to this day take care of me. Not once did they leave me behind or made me feel like I don't belong. They simply took me into their family that throughout the years has grown more and more. When I look back down, I see Edward watching me with a small frown on his face and only a second later I am engulfed into a tight hug from him.
„Are you alright Emmy?" he questions softly. Knowing that I usually don't like to talk about anything after thinking about my long lost brother. I whimper a little before cuddling myself even closer into his wide chest. Since my body hasn't changed after I became a vampire, i still look like a fourteen year old. Some even say I look even younger but with the help of some makeup i can transform into a fifteen year old. Don't judge! A year is a lot! Especially if that year decides if you can go to a Highschool with your older siblings or not!
„I miss him." I whisper quietly. He of course knows who I am referring to, but he simply stays quiet while shushing me. After ages of knowing each other, it's the first time I even vocally exclaimed that. Till now he only heard that throughout my mind, which I really hate! I don't like for him to know my every thought but it's his gift and he doesn't uses it on purpose on me. A knock comes from my door, making me look up towards it.
„You can come in Carlisle." Edward says after kissing my forehead softly.
„Hey sweetheart. Can I do anything to help you get that lovely smile of yours back on your face?" he asks me with sad eyes but also hopeful that he could help me in any way. I simply reach my arms out to him, wanting a hug. He always treated me the way a true father should treat a child and for that I will be forever grateful. Without another word he softly scoops me out of Edwards arms and lifts me in his instead.
„You know how much we love you. Right sweetheart?" he asks me while caressing my back in a soothing manner. I nod in reply, of course I know that. They were telling me every single day how much they love me and how much they care for me.
„I love you to daddy." I answer still clinging onto him for dear life. But he doesn't seem to care at all if his wide smile is anything to go by.
„Why don't we watch some movies together? The last week has only been training and school. It's time we spend some time together as a family again." Edward says with a thoughtful look in his eyes while my eyes widen in happiness and joy.
„Can we? Please?" I ask and beg at the same time. Really wanting to spend some relaxing hours with my family before we all had to go back to training to make sure we all will survive that planned attack.
„Of Course we can Sweetheart! Let's get downstairs I am sure everyone is on board for some family time." Carlisle states and starts to walk downstairs. Me still in his arms hanging around him like a little monkey. When we enter the huge living room the rest of my family is already there waiting for us.
„We heard something about a movie night." emmet says cheekily making me giggle a little at his silliness.
„What do you want to see sweetheart?" esme questions, already holding two of my favorite movies in the air to let me decide. Hmm, tough decision!
„You know what, why don't we watch both of them? We haven't had any family time in the last week." Rosalie says with a small wink my way. Clapping my hands in excitement. That's an awesome idea!! That way I don't need to decide on what to watch and also get to spend some more time with everyone!!!
„Sounds like a Good idea! Everyone get comfortable and let the movie begin!" Carlisle says with a chuckle. That is exactly what I needed right now. Time with my family! We really hadn't much time together since we needed to prepare to not get ourselves killed in the battle. After the movies were over we all still stayed huddled together talking and joking around. It really was the best night since a very long time!

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