Theranos Boot

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Arabella's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked Henry, who was trying to pry open a large crate with a hammer. Henry tossed the hammer and sat on the crate with a shrug as I approached him.

"Nothing," he casually said and I folded my arms giving him a look. "Just, uh, just chilling... on this sick cube shaped wood chair."

I nodded at this, "that crate belongs to my dad."

Henry made a face, "how am I supposed to know that?"

"It says 'Property of Ray Manchester," I informed him, gesturing to writing on the crate.

"For all I know, you could've written that just now," Henry remarked and I raised my eyebrow inching closer to him.

"So, why'd you throw that hammer across the room?"

"Because it was asking too many questions, Arabella," Henry retorted, standing up and looked down at me. "Which you are also doing. Boom!"

"Henry!" I exclaim, "what you are doing is wrong, you can't open someone's crate with a hammer."

Henry looked away in shame, "I know."

I then pulled out a crowbar, "you gotta use a crowbar."

Henry's face lit up as I walked over to the crate, "yes! Amazing turn!"

I laughed, "I know!"

"You were like, 'you can't open someone else's crate," Henry repeated.

"I said that," I grinned.

"And you were like 'psych, crowbar!" Henry continued.

"That was the turn," I replied and he gave me a soft smile.

"I'm marrying the right girl," he sighed and I giggled lightly.

"I'm marrying the right guy."

Suddenly the elevator doors opened and in walked Charlotte, Jasper, and Piper with a giant drill hammer. Henry and I tossed the crowbar to the side and casually stood there.

"Step aside!" Jasper called.

"Drill hammer coming through!" Piper added.

"What's up my dudes," I greeted casually and accidentally stumbled into Henry, who pushed me off.

"What are you guys doing?" Henry asked the trio.

"Stop lying," Piper cut in as they set down the drill hammer.

"Yeah, we tried to open Ray's big cube shape chair too," Jasper mentioned.

"Didn't work," Charlotte added on.

"But, the crowbar didn't work," Piper began. "So, we went home and grabbed my Jill Hammer."

"What's a Jill Hammer?" Henry asked.

"A jackhammer for her," Piper explained and I chuckled.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill," I began to sing as the others bickered over whether it made sense or not.

"Are you guys done trap flapping, because I'm about to drill this crate wiiiiiiiiide open!" Piper announced and we cheered and hollered for Piper as she drilled the crate with the Jill hammer. "Here we goooooo-"

"What are you guys doing?"

Piper immediately stopped drilling and we turned to Schwoz, who had just walked out of the back, and we turned to him casually.

"Jack and Jill went up the-" my words got cut off when Henry covered my mouth and I groaned against his hand.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte asked Schwoz.

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