Henbella: Alone In NYC

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Arabella's POV

"Do you have everything?"

I smiled at my dad, who being very vigilant as I finished packing. Henry and I were leaving for New York in about two hours and it was currently 6:00 am in the morning and it takes around five hours to get there from here.

"For the tenth time, I have everything." I assured him as I packed my makeup and other accessories I needed. "Stop worrying."

"I'm sorry, sweetie." He sighed and I zipped up my suitcase after everything I needed was packed inside. "It's just that, this is the first time you're going on a trip without your father and I worry about you."

I smiled softly at him, "I get it and I appreciate that daddy, but Henry's gonna be with me and we both have a superpower to protect us."

"But something could go wrong, like what if the plane crashes, or what if you get kidnapped, or what if you forget your name, or Henry's-"

"Dad!" I exclaimed and he stopped his nervous rambling. "You're rambling again."

"Right sorry." He said and I hugged him and he returned it. "I just want you to stay safe."

"Henry will make sure of that and I will too." I assured him and he kissed my head. "I love you."

"I love you too, kid." My dad said and I smiled against his chest.

Under all that self centered personality, my dad has a huge heart for those he loves, especially his daughter.

I pulled away and grabbed my suitcase and purse, along with my phone and put on my jacket.

"Oh!" I remembered and handed him a slip of paper. "My tutor would like to meet you, since I won't be there for our session on Sunday, she would like to give you a few things that I can read and study for my Dyslexia and vocal lessons."

Beautiful excuse, Arabella.

"Oh, Maria?"

"Mary." I corrected him, "just give her a call on Sunday or visit the place."

"Got it." He agreed and took the note, slipping it into his pocket. "What's she like, by the way?"

I grinned as we both walked out of my room and into the main room.

"She's goofy and very quirky, like myself." I inform, "she's a mom."

"A what?" He asked and I paused, turning to my father who was very interested.

"She has a daughter."


"Thirty five." I replied and I saw him grin a little.

"Alright." He nodded and I chuckled, turning away. "Is she single?"

"Yeah..." I trailed off and leaned against the couch. "Very single..."

"I'll give her call later." My dad agreed and I smirked a little.



My dad drove me to the airport to meet Henry there and he was gonna give him a very stern talking to about me, I think.

We arrived at the Swellview Airport and walked inside. It was only 7:00 am and there was a lot of people here, which I didn't like. I hate large crowds of people, it makes me feel small and a little claustrophobic.

"I hate crowds." I muttered and my dad pulled me over to a less crowded area and we sat down on the chairs where not many people were.

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