Part 2: A New Darkness

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Third Person POV

Jasper returned and Henry wasn't with him, because Henry had gone to the honey factory to help out Ray.

Bella was awake, but was still in horrible pain and Schwoz was creating an antidote for her.

"Can you heal her?!" Jasper asked Schwoz for the tenth time and he sighed.


"But I need a straight forward answer here!" Jasper reasoned, "maybe is not acceptable!"

"Jasper!" Charlotte exclaimed, "maybe if you don't ask every five seconds, he can give you one."

Jasper waited a few moments before asking again, "can you heal her?!"

"Jasper!" Mary grabbed the worried boy and rubbed his back, "calm down."

"But I don't want to lose Bella," Jasper said with sorrow. "She's my partner in crime."

"Okay, I think I finished the antidote," Schwoz said and Bella looked at him.

"Am I gonna be okay?" She asked him.

"I hope so," Schwoz said, before taking her arm. "I have an antidote that can possibly heal you, but it's not certain."

"Will it hurt?" She asked him and he grinned.

"It's nothing compared to what you're experiencing now," he assured her and Bella nodded.

"Okay," she softly said and Jasper went up to Bella.

"I'm right here, Bella," he smiled taking Bella's other hand.

"Me too," Charlotte said.

"Same here," Mary added and Bella smiled for the first time.

"Thanks guys," she quietly said as Schwoz took out a syringe needle with the antidote inside that could possibly cure her.

"Okay," Schwoz said, "here we go."

He injected the needle into Bella's forearm and she groaned, shutting her eyes. Jasper squeezed Bella's hand letting her lay her head on his shoulder.

The antidote injected itself into Bella's system and she let out a small groan. Once the antidote was completely gone, Schwoz removed the needle from her arm.

Bella opened her eyes and lifted her head up, "you done?"

He nodded, "Yes, but it will take time for the antidote to kick in and I'm not a hundred percent sure it will work."

"What happens if it doesn't work?" Bella wondered with worry.

"That's what we need to figure out," Charlotte told her.

"Yeah," Schwoz said. "Do you feel any pain?"

"Um..." Bella began, before she cried out in pain, grabbing her stomach. "Yeah! A lot."

Jasper's eyes filled with worry and the others looked at one another.

"Schwoz!" Charlotte exclaimed, "I thought you said this would work!"

"I said it will take time for it to work!" Schwoz exclaimed to her, "and I'm not completely sure it will work!"

Bella laid down on the table with her head on Jasper's lap and the two girls held her hands.

"What do we do?!" Jasper asked in worry.

Suddenly, two tubes shot down and Henry and Ray landed inside them. Henry fell into Ray's arms and Charlotte sighed.

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