Part 1: A New Evil

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Arabella's POV

I woke up from my slumber and climbed out of my bed. I yawned, ruffling my hair and walked into my bathroom. I shut the door and looked in the mirror, I looked like a horrendous mess like every morning I wake up.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, removing any eye boogers and my vision cleared up. My eyes found my mirror and I saw something different, very different.

I gasped loudly at the sight and grabbed my hair out of shock. All of my hair was completely white and not a strand was brown, just white.

I grabbed my head and stumbled back, falling into the wall and I began to panic.

"Bella! Are you okay, Cookie?!"

"I'm fine, dad!" I called back, "just morning things!"

"Are you sure?!"

A knock was heard on the door and I panicked not knowing what to do and just locked the door.

"Yes! I'm fine!" I assured him and opened the cabinet getting out brown hair dye.

"Alright," he said and I heard him walk away.

I sighed and frantically opened the box of dye and applied some to a strand of my hair. It turned brown and I smiled with relief.

"Thank god," I sighed, before the brown vanished and became white again. "Are you serious?!"

I freaked out and rummaged through the cabinets around me and eventually found a pair of scissors.

"I want this to work, but at the same time I don't want it to," I told myself. "I love my hair."

I stood in front of my mirror and cautiously chomped off a tip of my hair. Nothing happened and I shut my eyes groaning.

"Is this how it's going to go because-ahhh!" I exclaimed, grabbing my burning stomach and fell to the floor, "frick!"

My stomach was giving me unbearable pain and I could barely breath.

I took the piece of hair that I cut and it grew back.

"What is happening to me?" I softly cried in pain and hit the floor in agony, "what's going on with me?"

Third Person POV

Bella sat on the bathroom floor in complete agony and pain. She's confused and scared, not knowing what is happening and doesn't know what to do. What Bella doesn't know is her eyes are glowing a bright green color and her superpower has been affected by the burning sensation she is feeling. She's been infected by something and her power will never be the same again.



Later that day, Bella was in the Man Cave with Charlotte, Mary, Ray, Jasper, and Schwoz, while Henry was at his house with his family at the moment. Bella's stomach hasn't stopped hurting since this morning and the pain was almost unbearable, but she managed to keep a straight face and not let it affect her physically, no matter how difficult it is. Up in the store, Bella managed to find a wig that was similar to her hair style and popped it onto her hair, which covered all of the white hair. Her eyes turned back to their normal brown color and haven't caused a problem since this morning.

Bella hasn't spoken too much and this really concerned everyone in the room. Bella is always smiling and laughing, but her mood drastically changed since her hair turned white and her stomach started to painfully burn.

Right now, Charlotte and Mary were trying to figure out who kidnapped Rick Twitler, the CEO of Twitflash, as the boys were cooing over the puppy Ray stole from Prince Fuh'ard. Mary was hesitant on helping figure out who kidnapped Rick because that's her ex-husband and isn't comfortable helping him out. She's suspicious about something, she knows something's off. No one, besides Bella, knows that Rick is Mary's ex-husband and she doesn't plan on telling anyone. Mary doesn't want Ray to get upset about it and freak out.

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