Sister Twister Part 2

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Arabella's POV

I walked out of the back with a bag in my hands, "hey, Henry-"

I paused when I looked up and saw Henry, Charlotte, and Piper???

Oh no, this is bad.

"Bella?" Piper asked with shock and I chuckled nervously, "Bella knows too?"

"Know what?" I said and laughed, "I don't know anything. I just woke up here. Oh, look at that ceiling."

"Bella is your boss's daughter," Piper mentioned and I gave her a sheepish smile and Henry and Charlotte shrugged at this.


"Yeah, I guess..."

"Which means that she's Captain Man's daughter," Piper said and gasped. "And you're also Kid Danger's girlfriend! It all makes sense now."

"Alright, you got that spot on," I tell her and Henry rubbed his neck.

"That's why every ships you and Kid Danger," Piper said and laughed. "I get it now."

"Wait, what?" Henry and I asked her.

"Everyone in Swellview ships Bella and Kid Danger," Piper told us.

"They do," Charlotte said and we gave her a look. "It's the number one trending hashtag."

"How did I not know about this?" I asked them and Charlotte showed me her phone. "Oh wow, it's right there."

"Wow," Henry said when he saw it. "We look good."

"Okay, this isn't our most pressing concern," I say and give Charlotte her phone. "We should-"

"Hey guys, have you seen Violet's blanket-"

We turned and Mary paused when she saw Piper, "Piper?"

"Mary?" Bella asked and saw Violet. "Mary knows too? How many people know?"

"Not a lot," I tell her. "Mary is just Ray's fiancé and Violet is my baby sister."

"Mary is Captain Man's fiancé!" Piper gasped and all of us groaned. "And Violet is his other daughter!"

"You're so smart," I say with an annoyed smile. "You got our family tree down perfectly!"

"Okay, Bella knows, which makes sense cuz she's Captain's Man's daughter, and Mary knows cuz she's gonna marry him," Henry rambled with panic. "But no one else knows."

"Hey, Henry!" Jasper walked outside of the elevator with a fake eyebrow on his face. "You'll never believe who the package thief was! Oh, hey, Piper. Check out how great my fake eyebrow-OH MY GOD! WHAT'S PIPER DOING HERE?!"

"JASPER KNOWS TOO?" Piper exclaimed.

"Okay, yes, Jasper knows, but so does Bella, Charlotte, and Mary, but that's it!" Henry sighed and right then Schwoz got shot down the tube.

Schwoz saw Piper and his eyes grew, "UP THE TUBE!"

"Our timing is impeccable, isn't it?" I chuckle as Schwoz went up the tube.

"Was that our new neighbor from Germany?" Piper asked Henry.


"Cuz he also looks like our Italian plumber!" Piper continued.

"That's actually a funny story-"

"And the guy who fell through our ceiling and landed on top of me!" Piper exclaimed.

"Okay, yes! He's all those people!" Henry remarked, "and probably some other guys who I can't remember right now."

Henry's phone went off and he answered it, "hang on a sec. What, Schwoz?"

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