Full Smut Henbella Scene

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Got tired of sending it individually so here is the full scene. IF UR UNCOMFORTABLE PLZ SKIP THIS!

This is for Henbella: Alone In NYC


Henry gripped Bella's waist tighter and she stood on her toes to get closer to the boy. Henry adjusted his grip on her and picked her up, causing Bella's legs to wrap around Henry's torso as he made his way inside the room. Henry pulled away for a moment to shut the door, before making his way to the bed and sat down with Bella on his lap. Bella captured his pink lips and he kissed back with his hands sliding up and down her sides, causing her her smile. Bella's hands found the bottom of Henry's shirt and she tugged on it, which signaled Henry to remove it to reveal his toned six pack and Bella stared at it.

"Like what you see, baby?"

She blushed as Henry began to kiss her neck and her hands traced his abs. She was so in love with Henry, she wanted him, but she was unsure and a little scared. Bella bit her lip as Henry began to suck on her neck and she let out a small moan, causing Henry to smirk and nip at her neck.

She smiled with pleasure as Henry did this. Henry's hands find Bella's top, before he slowly slides one of his hands up her shirt and it gazed across her belly that she hated. Bella's eyes grew when she felt Henry's hand on her thin belly, she didn't move and let the boy continue for a moment. She was fine, until Henry slid his other hand up her shirt and she pulled away, grabbing his hands and Henry stopped.

"I'm sorry..." she stuttered and got off Henry's lap.

Henry grew concerned for Bella and she self consciously grabbed her stomach. Henry got up and gently touched her, but she moved away and her eyes filled with humiliation.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Henry asked with his voice filing with worry.

"It's nothing." She said, "just a little uncomfortable right now."

Henry knew something else was wrong, he could tell by her unusually behavior.

"If you were uncomfortable, you could've told me." Henry assured her and Bella shook her head. "I wouldn't make you do something you were uncomfortable with."

Bella squeezed her sides and Henry softly touched her shoulders. Bella tensed up, but didn't remove his hands and he planted a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"Talk to me, baby." He whispered into her ear. "You can tell me anything."

Bella was hesitant and shut her eyes, not able to speak.

"Please." Henry pleaded, "please tell me what's wrong."

"I....I don't know." Bella mustered out with a small voice and Henry wrapped his arms around her neck from behind, holding her close. "I'm scared..."

"I get it, but I would never judge you." Henry assured her. "Please talk to me.

Bella slowly turned to Henry and he stared into her eyes, grabbing her hands.

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid you won't like the way my body looks." She admitted and Henry's eyes filled with sorrow. "I don't like the way my body looks and I feel like you won't..."

A tear slipped from Bella's eye and Henry cupped her cheek, wiping it away.

Henry couldn't believe that she didn't like her own body. He adored her, and was heartbroken to hear her admit this to herself.

"Baby..." Henry began, but Bella refused to look up at him. "Baby, look at me."

She didn't move, so Henry lifted her face up and Henry kissed her lips.

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