Visible Brad

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Arabella's POV

"5, 6, 7, 8!" My dad counted.

Henry, Schwoz, Charlotte, and I took off our hats and kneeled down. "Ray, this is lame!"

The five of us were in the Man Cave rehearsing a musical number for my dad and Mary's wedding. He wants to impress her with his musical talent, which doesn't exist by the way, and I've made it very clear that this isn't happening. I'm singing an original song at the wedding with Charlotte and Piper, but that's the only singing that will be happening there.

"What?" My dad asked us.

"And we all quit!" Henry sang and we went to turn away, but my dad stopped us.

"Wait! Wait!" He called and we turned back to him, "you guys can't quit! Come on! The wedding is next month and I want to impress Mary with my musical talent!"

"What musical talent?" Henry asked him and I chuckled.

"This wedding is important to me and I want Mary to love it," my dad explained to us and I smiled.

"She will!" I said, "as long as you don't sing."

He rolled his eyes and the elevator doors opened. Piper walked in with a box in her hands and she was wearing a sophisticated suit. I forgot she knows about this place.

"Sorry I'm late," she apologized. "Traffic, am I right? So, is there assigned seating? Or can I just grab any open desk?"

"We don't have desks," Henry told her.

"Righttttt! Open workspace! Very modern, kind of a start-up vibe! I like it!" Piper mentioned and Henry and I shared a look.

"Uhhh, you don't work here," my dad told Piper, going up to her.

Mary walked down from the sprocket with Violet and Ray panicked.

"Mary!" He smiled tossing his hat away and I rolled my eyes, "hey honey!"

"Hey sweetie," she smiled and Ray gave her an awkward smile. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, yes," he nodded and looked back at us.

"Everything is okay," I grinned at her and Mary nodded with a concerned smile.

"Alright," she said and walked over to me. I watched my dad basically breathed again when she left and I giggled.

He's so nervous about this wedding.

The elevator doors open and Jasper popped out, 'yo, Piper! Phone call for you on line two!"

"Take a message," she told him.

"You're the boss," Jasper grinned and went back up to the store.

"She's not the boss! I'm the boss," my dad exclaimed and Mary turned to him. "When Mary's not around." He grabbed Piper's stuff shoved it back in the box, "oh and you don't work here."

"Oh, well, that's too bad, because I heard about a crime that just went down at the Museum of Boring History," Piper informed my dad and this got all of our attention.

Henry and I stopped taking cute selfies as Charlotte looked up at her. Mary looked up from Violet to listen.

"Huh?" I said.

"Oh, yeah?"

"What happened?"

"Somone stole the Swellview Declaration of Independence," Piper explained and this alarmed all of us.

"Oh no," I said as we stood.


"That's terrible."

Kid Danger's Girlfriend (Henry Danger: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now