The Whole Bilsky Family

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Arabella's POV

It's been almost a week since Henry and I have spoken and it's been alright for the most part. It's not awkward or tense, it's normal and we're best friends again. I don't know when we'll get back together, but when we do it will be amazing and our relationship will be stronger than ever. I can't wait for that moment to come.

Mary scheduled an appointment for her pregnancy and found out she's 14 weeks pregnant. She has weird food cravings, her tummy is growing a little, but she's controlling her mood swings. It's still a little early to figure out the gender, but hopefully in a week when she has her next appointment the gender will be known. Even after Mary finds out, she still doesn't want to know the gender because she wants it to be a surprise for all of us. I have a few names in mind I want the baby to be named.

Anyway, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, Mary, Schwoz, and I were putting certain foods into a blender as my dad was watching the news. The five of us were on a liquid cleanse that's supposed to help us get night vision after a few days; we read it on the internet, it must be true.

I switched on the blender once we had enough food in it, but I heard my dad say something.

"Huh?" I asked him.

"What?" Schwoz asked.

"The pun! The funny, word joke they do at the beginning of the-"

"Hey! We can't hear what you're saying because the blender is too loud!" Henry screamed at my dad and Mary flinched at his voice, "it's drowning out what you're saying!"

"Aye, I can feel your spit!" Mary yelled at Henry, who ignored her.

"I can't hear the pun! Turn it off!" My dad yelled.

"Turn it off!" Henry yelled and Charlotte turned off the blender, "sorry, Mary."

She rolled her eyes as she wiped off his spit.

"That was your best pun yet!" Mary Gaperman on the news laughed and my dad groaned.

"Come on! I'm missing the word play!" My dad complained.

"In other news, police say that a truck full of imported Venetian ham was stolen today," Mary began and I glanced at screen. "Venetian ham is the world's most absurdly expensive pork product, often referred to as the 'Ferrari' of ham's."

I sniffed the carrot in my hands and let Henry sniff it, who nodded in approval and I dropped it in the blender.

"Authorities also say that some of the stolen hams contain an anti-theft device, a capsule of blue dye that will explode if someone tries to eat the ham," Trent explained and I grinned.

Would love to see that happen.

"Explosive blue dye, more like explosive-"

Henry switched on the blender right as Mary made her pun.

"Are you kidding me right now?" My dad asked with disbelief.

"You said you missed the pun so-"

My dad cut Mary off by zapping the blender, causing all of us to jump back in shock. Henry instinctively grabbed me and pulled me away, making me blush.

Nice to know he's still protective over me, even if we're broken up.

I turned to the tv screen to see that the news had ended and my dad was upset.


"Goodnight Swellview!" Trent smiled as he and Mary got up and were greeted by everyone backstage, who cheered and congratulated them.

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