Henry's Birthday

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Arabella's POV

Princess Airy💕👸🏻: Happy birthday, my handsome superhero. I hope today is as amazing as you are, and I can't wait to see you and celebrate you being seventeen, baby😘💕💕💕🎉🎉

Henybear😍💘: Thank you, princess. I love you so much and can't wait to celebrate my birthday with your beautiful self, baby😘😘❤️❤️


Today was Henry's birthday and I was on my way to his house to celebrate with him. Charlotte and Jasper were also gonna be there and we all have a present for him. My present for him is a customized portrait of the two of us on our two year anniversary and I know for a fact he'll like it, because it's from me and I'm his girlfriend. He has to like it, he just has to.

Also, did I mention I got my hair cut and I now have bangs? It's super cute and Henry absolutely adores it.

Also, did I mention I got my hair cut and I now have bangs? It's super cute and Henry absolutely adores it

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I got to Henry's house with my present and walked into his house to see Henry, Piper, and Mrs. Hart

"Hola, Hart family, minus one!" I greeted as I walked inside and the three smiled at me.

"Hi, Bella," Mrs. Hart greeted.

"Hey," Piper waved at me.

I spotted Henry and smiled as he came up to me.

"Hey, baby," he greeted and we shared a kiss.

"Happy birthday, handsome," I softly say as I set the present down.

"Thank you," He wrapped his arms me and I smiled into his chest, hugging him back. "And my birthday just became a hundred times better."

I blushed lightly at his words, "aw."

The door opened and Jasper and Charlotte walked in, making us pull away sightly.

"Hey, hey! Happy your birthday, Henry!" Jasper smiled at Henry, "here, open my present, alright?!"

"Watch out," Henry warned as Jasper tossed the present and it nailed Piper in the head.

"Ah!" She yelled as she fell down. She stood up and glared at Jasper as I giggled and Henry smiled, rubbing my back, "Jasper!"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna set this down like a normal person," Charlotte mentioned, setting down her present.

"Hey, I'm normal, I'm just like everybody-" Jasper paused when he smelt something. "Do I smell raccoon?"

"In the fridge."

"You do."

This surprised Charlotte and I, and I turned my head to see a few air holes in the fridge.

"Wait, for real? There's a raccoon in the refrigerator?" Charlotte asked and I smiled.

"Can I pet it?" I asked.

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