Sister Twister Part 1

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Arabella's POV

I was in the Man Cave with Henry, Charlotte, Mary, and Violet. Mary was holding Violet, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms, I was looking at my phone, and Charlotte was looking at something on the monitor.

"Whatcha doing?" Henry asked me as he was looking over my shoulder and I rolled my eyes with annoyance.

"Looking at an article about how annoying it is when someone reads over your shoulder," I explained to him with bitterness.

"Ah cool," He said and pointed at my phone which made me flinch. "Click on that! Ten celebrities who didn't know they were double-jointed! What?"

I sighed at this and Mary gave me a grin. I put my phone down and Henry whined.

"Hey," he said. "Rude."

I giggled at him and he poked my cheek, which made me smile and playfully whack his hand away.

"Stop it," I tell him and he stands up straight, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Henry!" We turned and my dad ran out of the back, tossing Henry his gumball tube. "Swellview needs us!"

"What's going on?!" Henry asked.

"No time to explain, let's chew with urgency," my dad began and poured a gumball.

"I don't know the emergency," Henry remarked.

"Good one," I grinned.

"Thank you, hun," he smiled and put the gumball in his mouth. They chewed the gum and blow a bubble, which popped and it transformed them in Captain Man and Kid Danger.

Us three girls were confused when we saw the large cape on my dad's back.

"Oh no," Charlotte, Mary, and I said together and I giggled when I saw a tiny cape on Henry's back.

"Is this the emergency? You want to show me your new cape?" Henry asked him.

"No, I want to show you our new capes," my dad told him and I smiled at this.

"What?" Henry asked and looked down to find his cape, but couldn't find it and found the tiny one instead. "What is this? This isn't a cape! Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm one hundred percent serious!" My dad told him.

"What? Why? There's no point in this!" Henry argued as my dad approached Mary, Violet, and I. "You don't need a cape if you can't fly!"

"You don't have to fly to have a cape!" My dad exclaimed as he climbed on the couch. "You just have to own it!"

"Why is mine so much smaller than yours?!" Henry asked as he tried to grab his tiny cape.

"Yours is smaller cuz you're the sidekick," my dad explained and bent down with a smug look. "And I'm the hero."

"I don't want a stupid tiny cape, dude," Henry berated and struggled to reach for it.

"Maybe we could come up with a system where you could earn extra inches on your cape by doing things," my dad suggested and sat on the table. "Like being a good listener or maybe making me a nice pie."

"Just get this thing off me, dude," Henry groaned and Schwoz came out of the back with a giant fan.

"Oh no," I say and shake my head with a giggle.

"I found the fan you wanted," Schwoz told my dad.

"Ah! Haha!" My dad laughed, "prepare to be blown away! This is gonna be good, you're gonna want to get your phone out.

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