There Are Harts Among Us

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It had been almost a year since Bella and Henry went back to Swellview. A lot had happened since there, Bella gave birth a day after they got back, she and Henry started to plan their wedding and what the date is, Jasper and Henry are back to being best friends. The four are fighting crime like usual in Dystopia and everything is going smoothly.

Well, not for long.

Henry and Bella are switching off fighting crime because of the twins. Someone has to stay behind and take care of them, so the couple decided to switch off each time. Makes it easy and fair.

The twins aren't exactly easy to take care of, always needing attention, crying a lot, but the couple learned how to handle it. Good thing is, the twins are just about to turn a year old.

Yes, it's been a year since Bella gave birth.

No surprise that the twins are named Ruby and Ryder, it was known since the beginning. They are beautiful babies with blonde hair and brown eyes.

Bella couldn't be happier with how her family turned out. Amazing soon-to-be husband, wonderful kids, great friends. Her life is going pretty well at the moment.

Or so she thought. Just when Bella was happy with her life, something was about to change her life forever.

Bella and Henry were sitting in the nursery with their twins as they slept. It was a very calm and peaceful moment for once, which pleased the couple very much.

"When they're not crying and chewing on everything they are actually pretty cute," Henry grinned, gently stroking Ryder's head.

Bella chuckled lightly, "I know. It's getting easier since they are almost one and we can actually sleep."

"Yeah," Henry smiled and looked at Bella. "This isn't exactly how I imagined we would start our family, but I wouldn't change it for the world."

Bella smiled softly, "me too."

Henry leaned over and kissed his fiancé.

*Buzz Buzz*

The couple pulled away to see Bella's phone ringing and it was Ray. The two shared a glanced before Henry chuckled.

"He's just calling cause he misses us," Henry said and denied it before Bella could do anything.

"But what if he's in danger?" Bella asked Henry, who shook his head.

"I doubt it."

"Henry.." Bella sighed and picked up her phone. "Look he's gonna call your phone now."

"No, he's not-"

Right then, Henry's phone began to ring and it was Ray.

"See!" Bella said, hitting his arm. "Something must be wrong."

Henry declined the call and Bella gave him a sour look.

"Everything is fine," Henry assured Bella, taking her cheek.

Once again, Bella's phone rang, and this time it was Bose.

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