Chapter 13

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When you finally got to the hotel you all went up to the front desk.

"we booked some hotel rooms under the name joestar" Joseph said and the person at the front desk nodded.

They gave him the keys and he handed them out.

"now we have to decide with who she's going to stay" polnareff said

"we have to check the rooms first" Joseph said.

After they checked their rooms they decided that you were going to stay with the two teenagers, because there were three beds.

You sat on your bed and you quietly played with your teddybear.

The two teens looked at you and then at each other, the red haired teen decided to come up to you and talk to you.

"hi, I'm noriaki kakyoin, what's your name?" he asked politely.

"I'm (y/n)" you said as you kept looking at your teddybear.

"it's nice to meet you (y/n)" he said and you nodded.

"it's nice to meet you too" you said in a quiet tone.

"do you like to draw?" he asked, you looked at him and you nodded.

"what about we draw each other?" he asked and you nodded.

He found some pencils and papers and he placed them on the bed, you both sat across from each other and began to draw.

After you were done you showed each other what you did.

"you did great job!" he said.

"I like the one you did as well" you said and he smiled at you.

The rest of the day went by quickly, you all got out for dinner then you went back to the hotel.

You all sat at polnareff's room to talk, you sat at a corner as always playing with your teddybear.

Jonathan appeared and sat besides you, Joseph and Jotaro looked at the both of you and then at the others.

You were soon getting sleepy and Joseph noticed.

"someone is getting sleepy, Jotaro can you take her to your room?" Joseph said, Jotaro mumbled his catchphrase and got up.

You soon got up and Jonathan also followed behind.

You followed Jotaro back to the room, when all of you got to the room Jonathan turned to Jotaro.

"you can go back to the others" Jonathan said as he smiled at Jotaro, Jotaro nodded and left.

"ok (y/n), you need to put your pajamas before you go to bed" Jonathan said as he picked your pajamas.

You quickly put your pajamas with his help and layed down.

He sat besides you and he brushed his fingers through your hair, this made you fall asleep faster.

After some hours the boys got to the room.

"why is it so cold in here?" noriaki asked.

"oops, that would be me" Jonathan said as he awkwardly chuckled.

The both of them got ready and layed down to sleep.

"goodnight Jotaro" kakyoin said.

"night" Jotaro said

The next day you were woken up by Jotaro.

"oi, wake up we're leaving" he said and left to get ready

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, you got off the bed.... Most likely fell off the bed.

"are you ok?" Jonathan asked and you nodded, you got up and went to your backpack, you looked through the clothes and you didn't know what to wear, you looked behind you and saw kakyoin was still asleep, you looked back at Jonathan and then pointed at the bag.

"can you help me?" you asked him and he nodded.

He soon got some clothes for you and you started changing.

When you were ready you got your stuff and put them in your bag, you placed the bag on the bed next to your teddybear.

The door of the bathroom opened and Jotaro peaked his head out.

"tell kakyoin to wake up" and with that he got back to the bathroom again.

You walked to kakyoin's bed and looked at him as he drooled, you made a face and then started poking him.

"hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, wake up" you said as you repeatedly poked him, he shooed your hand away and turned around.

You puffed your cheeks and went from the other side of the bed, you poked him again.

"come on get up" you said, but he did the same thing, he shooed your hand away and turned around.

You whined quietly and went from the other side again, right when you got there Jotaro got out of the bathroom.

You climbed up the bed and fell on kakyoin, he opened his eyes and quickly sat up, with how quickly he sat up he knocked you out of the bed and you fell on your butt.

"huh? What happened?" he asked.

"she was trying to wake you up for minutes" Jotaro said as he pointed at you.

You got up and nodded.

"oh, sorry I didn't hear you" he said and he got up.

Soon someone knocked on the door, Jotaro got up to the door and opened it.

"and I thought you three didn't wake up, kakyoin get ready quickly or we gonna miss our flight!" Joseph said, kakyoin nodded and he went to the bathroom to get ready.

"good morning (y/n), did you sleep well?" he asked and you nodded.

After a few minutes kakyoin got out.

"ok I'm ready let's go" he said as he picked up his stuff, Jotaro did the same and you followed behind.

You put your backpack on and followed them.

"(y/n)?" Jonathan said and you looked at him while you walked.

"while you're going to be on the plane I won't be there but when you'll get to your destination I'll be next to you ok?" he said and you nodded.

After some hours you all said goodbye to polnareff.

Polnareff turned to you and smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you as well little one" he said as he ruffled your hair, you looked down and then hugged him.

After he left it was time for you and the others to leave for Japan.

When you got in the plane Jotaro and kakyoin looked anxious.

"are you ok?" you asked them and they looked at you.

"if we survive this then it means that you are our luck" kakyoin said.

You looked at them confused but you shrugged it off.

You looked out of the window and saw the clouds.

'I wonder where papa is right now' you thought as you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

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