Chapter 32

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You were sitting in your room when you heard a knock on the door.

"come in" you said and you closed your sketchbook.

The door opened and it revealed marina.

"surprise!!" she said as she walked in with jolyne, jolyne is now 3 years old.

"when did you guys came over here?" you asked her.

"actually it's just me and jolyne, Jotaro has still lots of work to do" she said in a slight annoyed tone.

"he still does that? Guess I'll need to do something as well... But why are you here?" you asked.

"so my work send me here for two weeks and since I didn't have anyone back there to take care of jolyne I decided to bring her here" she said.

"good decision, but... Holly isn't here now, does she know?" you asked and she nodded.

"is it ok if you take care of her now? I need to leave for work, wait is your dad here?" she asked and you shook your head.

"he's not here, he left to run some errands but I can take care of jolyne alone" you said and she nodded.

"ok, she has a schedule on eating and sleeping, I got her toys here, diapers, more clothes... Anything she needs, if something happens and no one is here call me, my number is written right here" she said as she handed you a paper.

"ok, now mommy needs to go, you'll stay here with (y/n) and grandma Holly alright?" she talked to jolyne and jolyne giggled.

She then left the both of you alone, you looked at jolyne and she looked back at you and giggled.

"what shall we do?...." you thought, jolyne crawled around while you thought, she stopped in front of the backpack that you had when you were four and looked at it, you walked up to her and picked her up then you picked up the backpack.

You sat down and set jolyne on your lap.

"you want to see what it has in here?" you asked her and she bounced up and down while giggling.

You opened the backpack and it revealed some stuff you took from your home back in Egypt and some stuff that Jonathan brought, you pulled out a little teddybear, it was one of Dio's gifts to you

"this is a teddy i had when I was around your age, because it was small I always took it outside with me" you said as you showed the teddy to her, she looked at it and patted it's head.

"sadly i cannot give it to you... It's one of the only things I have from him" you said as you let it aside, you looked through the backpack more.

"ohhh, I forgot I had it, my baby blanket..." you said as you looked at it and smelled.

"how does it still smell like him after all those years?" you asked yourself.

You let the blanket on top of the teddy and continued searching for more stuff.

"why are my bath toys here? Oh!! My favorite duck, it even splashes water!" you said as you squeezed it and it made some noise, jolyne giggled at it.

"wait, why are the blocks even here? I don't remember them being here before, we'll play with them later" you said as you placed the box of blocks besides you.

Soon the phone rang, you got up and picked up jolyne as well, your stand picked up the box of blocks and you walked towards where the phone was, when you got there you set jolyne down and your stand took out the blocks and she started playing.

"hello?" you said

"where is mom?" you heard Jotaro say.

"she's not here, why?" you asked as you still kept an eye on jolyne.

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