Chapter 54

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A few days later jolyne came over and asked to hear the story.

"So I told you what happened right?" you asked and she nodded.

"so!!!! The man that killed dad actually survived!! He said a 'surprise shawty!!'... Yeah" you said.

"but he stayed trapped underwater for 100 years" you said.

"that's crazy" she said.

"yeah, so after 100 years he was freed by his so called prison.... He then made his way to Egypt.. There he held women and men and either... DID the dirty with them and after that killed them or just killed them" you said.

"I still don't understand what you or the whole family has to do with him" she said and you sighed.

"I'll say it right now, dad's wife was pregnant and she gave birth to a boy, that boy married The baby girl that was saved at the ship wreck... Those two had a child that's your great grandfather Joseph... So in other words my dad... Jonathan, is your great great great grandfather and I am your.... Uhm great gre.... Let's just say your aunt... Now you're gonna ask how, the man that killed him... Dio, stole his body, then he kidnapped a woman, he did the dirty with her and that resulted to me, same thing with giorno and the other three siblings that we had that died and since there are two parts of different people fused together me and giorno have two biological fathers... Or we had" you said, she was still processing what you just said.

"so my other dad which I called papa... I grew up with him until the age of 4, he was killed by Joseph and Jotaro because the awakening of their stands, which dio caused, affected Holly and the only cure was to kill him... After I found out about it I thought that he kinda deserved it... Scratch that he deserved it a lot" you said.

"but... How do you not hate dad or grandpa Joseph for killing your dad?" she asked.

"because from a young age I learned to not hate... You can thank dad for that, unlike papa he was always there for me" you said.

"did dad told you what happened during that trip?" she asked.

"uhh... Well, everyone almost got killed and Jotaro developed PTSD.... About Joseph, he wasn't new to that, he had fought before" you said.

"w-what?" She asked

"yeah... There was this one time that Jotaro thought he was the only one alive but he was proven wrong" you said.

"so all that happened because of a gay vampire?!? The reason why this bloodline is cursed to always fight is because of him!?" she asked.

"well.... Let's just say because of his father... And the stone mask" you said and she sighed.

"what kind of adventures did grandpa Joseph go through?" she asked.

"I don't know, and don't ask him, his old and he'll probably tell you about the new show he's watching, just ask Jotaro, he knows because he heard of the story many times" you said.

"ok.... By the way since when was Jonathan by your side?" she asked.

"since the day I was born" you said.

"now that's what I call a nice father" she said.

"jolyne, your dad is nice too, he just... He wanted to protect you and your mom from stand users that's why he didn't spend much time with the two of you, now that you have a stand and saw and experienced what is going on I think you understand" you said, after some time she sighed.

"I guess that's why he always had so many scars... And I always wondered where he got them from" she said.

"he's not the only one, Polnareff has some, kakyoin too, avdol... Iggy had as well, that damn dog he was my favorite, well may he rest in peace" you said.

"wait!!! Iggy was a stand user as well!? The dog!!?!??" she asked.

"yeah, his stand was named after the tarot card the fool, he used sand to attack, it was very powerful" you said.

"and kakyoin too?" she asked.

"there's lots of stuff you don't know, kakyoin was under Dio's control and Jotaro got him out of his control and since then they've been close friends, he also saved Polnareff for the same reason" you said.

"I really misunderstood dad...." she said as she looked down with a sad look.

"hey... It's not late to make up! I'm sure he'll be happy when he'll find out that you don't hate him" you said.

"I never hated him... I was just hurt and confused" she said.

"ok, let's change the subject... Wanna go shopping?" you asked her and she nodded.

"I heard something about shopping!!!!" Josuke said as he walked up to the both of you with giorno by his side.

"the older pays!!" you said and Josuke looked at you.

"what!??!? I don't have enough money for that!!!!" he said.

"I can pay" giorno said.

"no need to flex your money little brother" you said.

"we're only some days apart!!!" he said.

"you're still little" you said.

"well... And you're short!!" he said.

"it's not my fault you're 1.95 tall" you said.

"I kinda feel attacked because I'm barely 1.80" jolyne said.

"I was that height when I was 15" you said.

"what!?!?" she said and you nodded.

"now I'm 1.86 tall" you said.

"well, I'm the same height as giorno" Josuke said.

"ok... Can we go shopping now?" jolyne asked.

"sure let's go!!!" you said and the four of you left.

In the end the four of you had a great time and giorno insisted to pay for the clothes, you payed for the shoes, josuke for the make up and hair products and jolyne for the food.

I guess this the end of the book.... I had a great time making it, also Jonathan needed to be included because you never see him in books like that... Jonathan deserves better 😌.

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