Chapter 50

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You were home alone, it was rare but whatever, Jonathan was currently doing some stuff and then he would go grocery shopping, you on the other hand, you had a day off from work.

You're working for the speedwagon foundation, you started working there two years ago and you love your job way to much.

The phone started to ring and you got up to answer it.

"hello?" you asked.

"hey uhm... (y/n)? It's me jolyne" she said.

"oh hey jolyne how are you!!?" you asked her.

"well... Not that good, can you come pick me up from the police station?" she said.

"what? Why what happened?" you asked.

"I'll explain to you later, can you come pick me up?" she asked and you sighed.

"alright I'll be there soon" you said, she thanked you and then hung up.

You got your car keys and then left for the police station.

When you arrived there you searched for her and then found her sitting in an office with a police officer, you knocked on the door and then opened it.

"and who are you?" the officer asked as he looked at you up and down.

"I'm jolyne's relative I came here to pick her up" you said as you went up to jolyne.

"o-oh, I understand... Do you maybe want to sit down and talk, maybe she can tell you what happened" you were aware now that he was looking at you... Not respectfully.

"I'm sorry but she said she would rather tell me when we're alone" you said as you grabbed her hand.

"maybe if-" he began to say but you cut him off.

"sorry officer but we need to go, my boyfriend is also waiting for us so yeah, have a good day" and with that you left with jolyne.

"since when do you have a boyfriend?" she asked you.

"I've never had a boyfriend, I just lied because I saw the way he was looking at me.... That horny bastard!" you said and the two of you got in the car.

"now tell me what happened" you said and she sighed and started to explain.

"mhhm... And why didn't you call Jotaro?" you asked her.

"he's too busy working.... That's the reason why him and mom got a divorce, because of his stupid job!" she said.

"jolyne listen, he's overworking himself so that he can provide you with anything you need, not only you but your mother as's called child support" you said.

"I don't care!!! I called him before I did with you and I just now found out that he's on a business trip!!!!" she said and you sighed.

"and to think I didn't warn him" you said.

"about what?" she asked.

"so!!! When you were three you and your mother came over to Japan because your mother had some work there, so the first day I babysat you and then Jotaro called, he didn't know that the two of you left, but then he saw a paper and he found out where the two of you were, and that was the day I told him to leave his job for a while and spend some time with his family.... But I guess he only did it for a few years" you said, she looked rather surprised.

".... But still now he's not doing anything" she said.

"don't worry, I'll knock some sense in his head, I'm gonna pull on his ears like I did when I was younger" you said and she laughed.

"by the way!!! Dad told me that it's time for you to know something so let's head to our house so I can tell you!!" you said.

When you got back home you got a box from your room and went back downstairs.

"so what I'm about to say is uhm.... How should I say it.... Weird, surprising.... A 'what the fuck is going on here' kind of thing so be prepared.... Let's start with.... OK let's get it from the start!!" you said and she nodded.

"you see this picture?" you asked her and she nodded, it was Jonathan, dio and George joestar.

"that's your dad right there right?... But what kind of clothing is that?" she asked.

"ok, so!! I'm not good at explaining so pay attention...this here is my dad, this is his dad and that's a boy that his dad adopted, the picture was taken a few weeks after he arrived, can you guess the year?" you asked.

"uhmm.... 19......60....something?" you asked.

"wrong!!... You'll be surprised but.... This picture was taken in 1880" you said and her eyes went wide.

"what!?!?" she asked and you nodded.

"you ever questioned what kind of relative am I to you?" you asked her and she thought for a bit.

"no.... I've never questioned it... But how is he still alive?" she asked.

"I'll get to that later, so the boy that they adopted used a mask, which was called a stone mask and turned himself into an immortal being.... Or you could say a vampire" you said.

"those things are real!?" she asked.

"well.... I guess not any more, so those two fought three times in total, the first time it was the time he turned into a vampire but he managed to escape, the second time they fought again and he managed to escape once more... But this time without a body and the third time they fought again but... Dad died and almost everyone on the ship they were in" you said.

"what were they doing on a ship?" she asked.

"dad was on his way to his honeymoon with his wife" you said.

"did his wife die?" she asked, she was so into the story.

"no, she didn't die, she managed to escape right on time, and she saved a baby as well... She was also pregnant" you said.

"but... That's so confusing... And what about you, when are you gonna appear in the story?" she asked.

"soon, just be patient, and of course don't tell anyone one yet about the story" you said and soon your phone rang.

"I'll be back soon to continue" you said and she nodded.

"hello?" you said as you left the room.

"it's Jotaro... Is jolyne ok?" he asked and you sighed.

"yep, she's fine, she's here with me... But I don't think she'll want to talk to you" you said.

"I understand... I just wanted to know if she's ok" he said.

"remember what I told you many years ago? How I warned you?" you asked.

"I remember that... I didn't take it that seriously but... I guess it's too late now" he said with a sigh.

"it's never too late, now I have to go bye!" you said and hung up, you walked back in the living room and sat down.

"Jotaro called to see if you were ok" you said.

"now he suddenly cares?" she asked.

"he always cared... He just never knew how to show it properly" you said and she looked away.

"can I stay here for today?" she asked and you nodded.

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