Chapter 28

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After what Jonathan told you, you kept apologizing to the others of what your father did to them, even though they told you it was ok and that was now in the past you still apologized.

One night you were thinking if it would be weird to call Jonathan your dad instead of calling him with his name, one day you accidentally called him dad.... He started crying, you thought that maybe it made him sad but it made him happy, so you kept calling him dad.

You were now at school, you were in art class, the teacher told you all to paint something that you really like and the best painting will get a reward.

You were painting a nice field with many flowers and the sunset... When one of the girls that bullied you ruined it.

"why did you do that!?" you yelled at her and she smirked evilly.

"girls what happened?" the teacher asked

"she ruined my painting!" you said as you pointed at the girl, she glared at you and punched you, she also pulled your hair, soon a fight started, the other kids were looking, some of them cheered for the girl and some of them cheered for you.

"girls that's enough!!! To the principles office now!!!" the teacher said as she got the girl off of you.

She put the nice kid in charge of the class and got the both of you to the principles office, the both of you sat down and glared at each other.

"I called your parents, they'll be here soon" the principle said.

You all sat in silence until your parents came over, Jonathan looked at you and saw the little scratches and bruises on your face, he came up to you and knelt besides you.

"what happened?" he asked and you didn't answer, the principle cleared his throat and everyone looked at him.

"miss (teacher's /name) care to explain what happened?" he asked.

"from what I saw and heard a fight started between the two girls and they started punching and pulling each other's hair" the teacher said.

"(y/n) can you tell me what happened?" the principle asked you and you nodded.

"I was doing what the teacher told us to do peacefully when she came up to me and ruined my work, when I told the teacher she glared at me and then punched me for no reason" you said as you rubbed your cheek.

"is it true?" he asked the girl and she slowly nodded.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened and revealed one of your classmates.

"may I come in?" she asked the adults and the principal nodded.

"it's not the first time (girl's /name) did something that hurt (y/n)" she said as she looked down.

"I've seen (g/n) and her friends bully her almost every day but (y/n) always fights them back, I've noticed that she never told anyone about it and I decided to step in" she said as she still looked down.

"now that she mentioned it I always saw (y/n) come back from school with bruises and when I asked her she said it happened when she played" Jonathan said.

"my child would never do such a thing, I taught her good manners" the mother of the girl said.

"ma'am there's a lot of evidence that shows that your daughter is not an angel at all" Jonathan said

"well, your daughter is not one either" she said

"well my daughter was fighting back yours because your 'angel' thought it would be nice to pick on other children, are those the good manners that you taught her?" Jonathan asked, making air quotes on the word angel.

The woman stomped her foot on the ground and took her daughter by her hand.

"stay away from that girl, she'll only bring you trouble" she told her daughter and they left.

"sir, you may take your daughter and leave for today" the principal said and Jonathan nodded.

"first she needs to take her stuff from the classroom, follow me" the teacher said.

On the way there Jonathan apologized for your behavior, meanwhile you thanked the girl for being by your side.

You entered the classroom and took your stuff, Jonathan waited for you next to the door, everyone looked at him like he was an alien, you got all your stuff and walked up to him, the teacher stopped you.

"you can do what you wanted to paint at your home, then bring it to me tomorrow, alright?" she asked and you nodded, you took Jonathan's hand and left.

On the way home no one talked until he decided to speak.

"I'm really disappointed of what you did and of what you didn't do" he said and you looked down, he stopped and knelt down.

"why didn't you say anything? Why did you always say that it happened when you played?" he asked.

"I didn't want to worry you" you said and he sighed.

"now look at you... The others will be really worried about you" he said.

"I'm sorry" you said.

"don't be sorry... But next Time somethings like that happens tell me alright?" he said and you nodded.

When you got back home and went to the living room everyone looked at you.

"merde... Are you alright?" polnareff asked you as he got up to you.

"yeah, I'm fine" you said.

"doesn't look fine to me, what happened?" kakyoin asked.

"she got into a fight with one of her classmates" Jonathan said.

"did you beat their ass!?" polnareff asked you.

"I landed some good punches!!!" you said.

"polnareff!! Don't encourage her into fighting" Jonathan yelled.

"let's go and get the scratches cleaned, we don't want them to get infected" he said as he took your hand and walked towards the bathroom.

After you got cleaned and he put bandages on the wounds you both walked back, on the way there you saw Jotaro and his wife, marina.

"(y/n) are you alright?" she asked you as she looked at the bandages.

"she got into a fight today with one of her classmates" Jonathan said and Jotaro chuckled.

"I didn't expect that from you" he said

"you should of expected it" you said with crossed arms.

"but don't worry, since she continued the fight I made sure that she got grounded" he said and you looked at him.

"eh!??!" you said.

"don't think that you got away from that" he said and you huffed.

"your back might hurt from the pregnancy, let's go inside so you can sit down" Jonathan said to marina and all of you went inside.

Jotaro helped her sit down and then he sat next to her.

After hours of being bored kakyoin asked you one question.

"wanna go and play some video games?" he asked and you smiled.... But Jonathan ruined.

"sorry kakyoin but she's grounded" he said and your face fell.

"not even one round?" you asked him and he shook his head.

"but, you can go and do what your teacher told you to do and your homework" he said and you groaned.

"fine" you said as you got up and went to your room.

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