Chapter 39

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When you got better josuke called you over his house to play video games, you walked up to his house and knocked on the door and waited, the door opened and it revealed josuke's mother.

"hello, how may I help you?" she asked you.

"uhm... Josuke called me over here so we could play video games" you said and she nodded and let you in.

"so what's your name?" she asked.

"(y/n)" you said and she led you to the leaving room where josuke, his friends and even kakyoin was there.

"why's kakyoin here?" you asked and josuke looked at you.

"I called him over as well, he claims that he's the best at video games so I wanted to see if it was true" he said as he kept playing with okuyasu.

"you need to be careful because he cheats a lot if he sees that he doesn't have a chance of winning" you said as you sat down.

"hey!! I don't cheat!!" kakyoin said

"yeah right" you said as you smiled.

"so josuke, I know your friends but who is the red haired man and the girl?" his mother asked as she stood by the doorway.

"(y/n) is a family member from the old man's side and kakyoin is a family friend of theirs" he said as he kept playing.

"mhm, OK" she said and she left.

After hours and many video games all of you sat down and talked.

"so I heard from Jotaro that you went to that ghost alley and spoke to dio" kakyoin said.

"the first time it was when I went with koichi and Rohan, I was happy to see him again but extremely angry at him, and because I didn't want to listen to his excuses I left, the next day I went again because this time dad and Jotaro convinced me, and we kind of talked... After a big fight again"you said.

"what kind of face did he make when he saw Jonathan? It must be really shocking to see the man that you killed after 100 years" he said, you began to laugh.

"oh boy, I got a picture and somehow even if he's a ghost he's still visible" you said as you pulled out the picture and showed him, he began to laugh.

"it was kinda awkward for them to talk after what happened but they managed to not fight again" you said and you put the picture inside your pocket.

Since it was not school night for them, josuke told you to stay over as late as you wanted, so all of you decided to form a circle and tell stories.

"so one time I got my head stuck in the toilet.... They had to destroy the toilet" okuyasu said and all of you laughed more.

"so when I was younger I used my stand to make emeralds, I tied them on a piece of rope and gave them to my mom, what I didn't know it was that I was giving her only rope, she couldn't see the emeralds, after I heard her say that to my dad I stopped making her necklaces for obvious reasons "kakyoin said and you laughed.

"it was kinda embarrassing and sad" he said.

"ok, OK, so when I was 7 or 8 years old my mom had left me home alone, my grandpa was working, so I decided to take my mom's hair products and make my hair like it is now, it didn't turn out so well and also I had finished all her products, when she got home she was beyond mad... With nothing else to say she grounded me for two months" josuke said and you laughed.

"not that you didn't deserve it! I had five bottles of hairspray and you finished all five of them!!!" you heard his mom say from the kitchen, that made you all laugh more.

"so what about you (y/n)?" koichi asked.

"oh boy, where do I even start, so this happened when they got to Egypt to fight papa, I was bored and he was busy doing whatever he was doing, dad wasn't there so I had the best idea ever... I snuck out of the house! I was only four years old, so I managed to slip away from all his minions, even the bird that guarded the house, so I was walking around until I heard my name getting called, so I decided to turn it into a game of hide and seek in the streets of egypt" you said.

"did you give him a heart attack?" kakyoin asked.

"sshhhh!!! You'll learn at the end what happened" you said

"so anyways, it was daytime and papa couldn't go out to search for me and he had to stay in the house and wait for me to be found, at some point dad appeared and told me to go back but I told him I was having to much fun, I ignored him as he told me to go back because I was making papa worried, so they were trying to find me while I was going around, hiding and other stuff" you said and kakyoin then laughed.

"some people saw me alone and thought that I was homeless so they gave me some food, I was going to go back home for lunch but after they gave me the food I said to play more, dad was telling me that papa was having a big freak out but I told him that should teach him to not leave me alone all the time, so nighttime came and I knew that I was going to be found soon, I walked through the streets of Egypt and sometimes I stopped to pet a cat or a dog that was walking by, at some point I was playing with a frog, by playing I mean I was poking it, nothing to harsh, then I felt myself getting picked up and I saw that it was him, when we got back home he scolded me at what I did and how worried I got him and the others, I managed to make some of his minions cry and think that I was dead, I only told him that I did so I should teach him a lesson to not ignore me, after that he started giving me more attention, not only because of that but because they were in Egypt "you said, they where laughing so hard, especially kakyoin.

"I would love to see him panic and not being able to find a four year old" kakyoin said as he clenched his stomach.

"look, for his last two years that he spend with me I made sure to give him a hard time, I believe it was then that he found out about the other joestars that's why he paid less attention to me" you said.

"maybe... But at least you had some fun" he said and you nodded.

After a couple of hours you and kakyoin left for the hotel, when you arrived you went to your rooms.

"how was it at josuke's house?" Jonathan asked as he looked up from his book.

"it was great, we also shared some childhood stories, I said about that one time I nearly gave papa a heart attack" you said as you chuckled.

"at some point he himself thought that you might of died, he had left everything and focused on finding you, at some point he thought of going out in the daylight to find you, when it was nighttime he didn't spare any second and he went out to find you, that's how worried you made him"he said.

"well, at least I gave him a chance to spend some time with me before he died" you said.

"that's true" Jonathan said as he smiled

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