Chapter 9

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You were in the library with your father, he was currently reading a book and you were just looking at it, you looked around and saw something with big legs, you scooted closer to your father and he looked at you.

"what happened?" he asked and you pointed at the creature, he looked at it and saw a spider.

"are you scared of the little spider?" he asked as he saw that you were shaking.

You were still looking at the spider when suddenly it disappeared, you jumped a little bit and covered your face while still shaking.

"don't worry, the spider is gone, it won't do anything" he said as he patted your head.

You started to relax a bit and then continued to look at the book, you saw a weird word and you pointed at it.

"that word? That's 'supernatural', and it's something that's beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature" he said.

"something like you?" you heard Jonathan say and you looked at him and giggled.

"what are you giggling at?" he asked as he followed your gaze but he saw nothing.

"is your friend here?" he asked and you nodded.

"he said something about me?" he asked and you nodded again.

"Jojo if you were alive I could of killed you" he said.

"it's nothing surprising" he said and you giggled again.

"Jojo you better stop" dio said with an angry tone.

"it's not like you can hear me or see me, so now I have the advantage" he said as he went up to him

"(y/n) please look away, I don't want him to know" he said and you looked away, you looked back at the book.

Dio thought that Jonathan left so he returned back to his book.

"it's time for revenge" Jonathan said, his hands slowly approached dio, and then he quickly pulled Dio's ears.

Dio let a high pitched 'wry' and the book fell off his hands, you grabbed the book and held it close, you looked up and saw him rubbing his ear while Jonathan laughed, you then joined in the laughter.

"you were in this as well?" dio asked you and you giggled more.

"my own daughter betrayed me" he said.

"this is fun!" Jonathan said and then pulled Dio's cheeks, dio held his cheeks and growled.

"Jojo I said you better stop!" dio yelled and Jonathan laughed.

"who's messing with who now? You messed with me for 8 years it's time for me to mess with you as well" Jonathan said as he hit lightly Dio's back.

"Jojo, this is your last chance!!" dio said as he set you down.

After minutes of Jonathan messing with dio he stopped, dio picked you up and left the library, he was mad and a bit embarrassed and your giggling didn't help.

"let's go and get some rest" he said as he walked towards your room.

When he got in he placed you on the bed and layed besides you, you layed on your stomach and within a few minutes you fell asleep.

Dio looked at you and then began to rub your back.

He suddenly felt that someone was watching him, he sat up and touched the birthmark.

"he totally felt that" Jonathan said.

"doesn't the old man have anything to do besides taking pictures of me?" he asked himself as he layed back down.

'at least he didn't see you, all he's gonna see is my back!' he thought and then smirked.

You were sleeping peacefully and you were watching a nice dream when it decided to turn into a nightmare, it was the 5th time you saw your father die, but recently you never saw who killed him.

You woke up and gasped, you looked around and saw your father looking at you.

"you had a nightmare again?" he asked and you nodded.

He brought you closer and hugged you.

"it's alright, you have nothing to fear" he said as he rubbed your back again and that made you Fall asleep one more time.

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