Chapter 35

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You had decided to take a walk around morioh, that happened after you learned every street there.

You walked around looking at different places and houses until you saw josuke and okuyasu

"oh what are you doing here?" josuke asked.

"just taking a walk around morioh" you said.

"don't you have school?" okuyasu asked.

"believe it or not I graduated school a few years ago" you said.

"what!?" the three of them said.

"it's true, my principal had noticed that I was really smart and decided to have me write some special exams and I graduated way sooner than anyone expected" you said.

"does that mean you can help us with math?" okuyasu asked

"why not?" you said.

"so why are you guys outside this sketchy house?" you asked them.

"we think there's something wrong with koichi so we're going to check it out" okuyasu said.

"so... Who's going first?" you asked.

"okuyasu is going" josuke said.

"you think that's a good idea?" you asked and he nodded, okuyasu stepped inside and the two of you waited outside.

After minutes you looked at josuke.

"something's wrong, I'll go inside, if you see that 5 minutes passed just get inside" you said and you entered the house.

Meanwhile Jonathan was playing with jolyne when he felt that you were in danger.

'I can't leave jolyne right now... Please (y/n) be safe' he thought as he mentally prayed for you.

You walked inside the house and slowly walked towards all the noises, you stood outside the door as you listened to everything, the noises stopped and you stepped aside.

"I know someone's out there, is it josuke or (y/n)?" he asked.

'how does he know my name? Or even josuke's name?' you thought

"I'd suggest you if you kindly stepped inside the room with your hands in the air" he said.

'looks like I have to use it' you thought as you looked in the future thanks to your stand, you saw a man with green hair call out 'heaven's door' and turning your face into pages, you also saw that this could only happen if you looked at his work.

You stepped inside with your eyes closed, you still used your stands power to see his next moves.

"so you found out how my stand works, I wonder how, doesn't matter because I'll turn you into pages like I did with them" he said as he sent his stand out to attack you, you dodged every one of his attacks easily.

"have you ever went up against another stand? You seem experienced" he said and you smirked.

"I was never involved in a stand fight but I did train my stand and strength since the age of five" you said.

"tell me more about it" he said.

"I'm just warning you, my stand is not My only power" you said as you smirked.

You could 'see' that he was eager to find out that other power.

At some point he was close to pushing you and pinning you to the ground but you were quick to use the one power that your father had, you stopped time.

You opened your eyes and looked at the guy, you then looked at the other two as they looked worried, at the corner of your eye you could see josuke looking at the fight worriedly, you closed your eyes and resumed time, you hated that power, it reminded you of what he did to others with that power.

You heard a thud and some gasps, you used your power and saw the man looking at you amazed.

"I hate to use that power, I don't know if it's either a blessing or a curse from my father" you said, anyone could hear the sad tone in your voice.

"if you don't reveal your power to me I'll make that idiot kill himself" he said as he pointed at okuyasu, that pissed you off.

"you bastard!!" you said as you run towards him, your eyes still closed.

You controlled your breathing and sparks formed around your hands, you gathered enough power and punched him, this knocked the air out of him for 5 seconds.

"I'll take it from here on, (y/n) you held him back well" you saw that he had his eyes closed as well.

The fight began between them, but soon the guy made the mistake and he made fun of josuke's hair, after josuke beat the guy he told you it was safe for you to open your eyes, you opened your eyes and looked at the mess.

"damn, you didn't have to destroy his workspace" you said to josuke.

"he made fun of my hair!!!" he said.

"I know but... I can't help but feel bad about him paying for all this damage" you said.

"if you want fix it but don't heal him, let him suffer with his injuries, a little reminder to not make fun of my hair again" josuke said as he looked at the guy and the guy looked back at him.

"well, dad will be mad if he hears about it but I can't do anything" you said as you had your stand carry the guy and place him against the wall, your stand then fixed everything.

"I like how you a have similar stand to mine" josuke said.

"it can do lots of things" you said.

"what was the other power?" he asked as all of you started walking out of the house.

"you'll have to ask dad about it" you said and he pouted.

"it was really cool!!! There were sparks around your arms and when you punched him you knocked the air out of him!!" okuyasu said.

"it's something that dad used back when he was still alive" you said.

"guys we'll be late for school let's go!!" koichi said and the waved at you and left.

You kept walking around until you heard your name while passing by an alley way near a convenient store.

You looked in the alley way and heard your name being called again by a familiar voice.

'why is that voice familiar?' you thought.

You heard the voice getting louder, until it switched to another voice that you knew who it belong to, you turned your head and saw Jonathan speed walk up to you with jolyne.

"are you alright!!?!? I sensed that you were in danger" he said as he looked at you, you could of sworn you heard a growl from the alley.

"well... I run into a stand user but I wasn't alone, josuke and his friends were with me.... I also used a little hamon on him" you said.

"it didn't hurt him that bad right?" he asked.

"it just knocked his air out of his lungs for 5 seconds" you said.

"ok, let's go back to the hotel" he said as the three of you got to a taxi and got back to the hotel.

When you entered the hotel Jotaro waited at the reception, he walked up to the three of you and looked at you.

"I sensed that she was in danger and went out to see what happened" Jonathan said, Jotaro looked at you.

"so, I saw okuyasu and josuke outside a sketchy house, so then we knew something was wrong and okuyasu went inside, forgot to say koichi was already there, so... I decided to go in, I used my stand to see what was the danger, bla bla bla there was a fight, bla bla bla me and josuke defeated him and the fight was over, no one was injured, only the guy the rest of us are fine"you said and he nodded

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