Chapter 18

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Today was the day.... Today was the day they were going to tell you that your father died.

Some days ago while you were sleeping Holly called Joseph to ask him how to tell you what happened, and he explained to her what she had to do.

You were playing outside with a ball, you were just kicking it around and doing nothing else.

You then got bored and decided to look for stuff in the garden, you found snails and frogs, maybe some ladybugs as well.

Holly looked at you from the doorway and sighed.

"it's now or never" she said as she started walking towards you.

"(y/n)? Can you come inside please, there's something that I need to tell you" you heard holly say and you got up and followed her inside.

She sat down and you sat right across from her.

"how can I say this..." she said as she tried to find her words, you looked at her confused and waited for her to talk.

"I got a call today.... And they told me something...." she said as she anxiously played with her thumbs.

"(y/n).... They told me that your father got involved into a ship accident and he sadly passed away" she said and she looked at you.

Your eyes got wide and your mouth slightly opened.

"w-what?" you asked.

"I'm sorry (y/n)" she said as she looked at you with a sad look.

You got up and slowly walked to your room, you got in and sat on your bed and looked down.

Holly felt bad for you, she dialed a number and waited for them to answer.

"yes?" they said.

"papa, I told her what you told me to do" she said.

"and? How did she take it?" Joseph asked.

"she fell silent and then silently walked to her room, she was visibly really sad" she said.

"it's gonna be like that the first days, then she'll except it and go back to her old self" he said.

"I really hope so, I don't want anything to happen to her" Holly said.

"I know she'll be fine, Jonathan will be by her side and help her through this" Joseph.

After a while they hang up and Holly sighed.

You still looked down tears falling down without even realizing, you looked over your backpack and walked up to it and opened it.

You pulled out two things, your baby blanket, which it had your father's scent on it and a photo of the both of you, it was at your 3rd birthday, he had put Pucci to take the photo, dio hugged you tight while he smiled genuinely and you were giggling.

You got to your bed and sobbed silently, you felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked at who it belonged and it was Jonathan, without thinking you jumped on him and hugged him.

"it's alright, let it all out, it'll make you feel better" he said as he patted your back.

Holly cooked some dinner when her husband entered the kitchen.

"hi love, what are you doing? You need any help" he asked as he went up to her.

She sighed and replied with a no.

"are you alright?" he asked as he looked at her.

"today I told (y/n) that her father is dead, poor child she was so shocked she couldn't even react to the news, she went silently to her room" she said.

"oh... Poor kid" he said as silence filled the room.

As for you, you were still crying in Jonathan's arms, he felt bad for you, it reminded him of the times he cried when he lost someone close to him as well.

"papa is really gone?" you asked between hiccups.

"he's not completely gone, he's looking over you, he could never leave you" he said and you looked up to him.

"what do you mean?" you said as you tried to wipe the tears.

"I mean that he's somewhere up there looking out for you, he's making sure that you're alright" he said as he smiled at you

"like an angel?" you asked and he nodded.

'in real life I don't think he's there' he thought

He brought you back into a hug as he sat with his back against the wall.

"he doesn't want you to cry" he said as he rubbed your back.

"then I'll try not to cry, for my papa" you said as you rubbed the tears away again.

You ended up falling asleep on him but he didn't mind.

Soon Jotaro came back from school, he took off his shoes and he walked towards the kitchen.

He saw his parents setting up the table and getting ready to eat.

"oh, Jotaro you're back" holly said, not in her usual cheerful voice.

"what happened? " he asked

"we told (y/n) the truth, she was so shocked she didn't even react, she's been in her room for hours, the table is ready so let's go to get her to eat something" she said as she walked and Jotaro followed her.

They stopped outside of your room and opened the door, Holly's face softened and a smile appeared.

Jonathan was laying there, asleep and you were gripping on his shirt, sleeping as well, Holly closed the door and sighed.

"we should let her rest, after all papa was right, she has Jonathan by her side" Holly said as she began to walk away, Jotaro shrugged and followed her.

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