chapter 1

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Dio got up from the bed and put his pants on, he looked back at the woman he just had sex with and motioned her to get up.

She got up and walked up to him and stopped right in front of him, he placed a hand on the crook of her neck and smirked at her, in one motion he dug his fingers and drunk her blood.

After he took his fingers off she fell down on the floor, she was dead.

Dio decided to leave his room and go to the library, Midway there vanilla ice stopped him.

"Sorry for the interruption my Lord but I have something important to tell you" he said as he knelt down.

"Tell me quickly I don't have all day" Dio said not looking at him.

"Today I went to 'the room' because I heard screaming, turns out one of the women you had died but.... She left something behind" he said and that grabbed Dio's attention.

"What is it?" Dio asked.

"Uhm, the woman was pregnant my Lord, we thought that the baby wasn't yours but we saw the birthmark" he said.

Dio turned around and saw vanilla ice kneeling down and holding a baby that had a blanket wrapped around them.

"Give me the baby and go take some stuff for them" Dio said and vanilla ice gave him the baby and left.

Dio looked down at the baby, it had dark blue hair, Dio's mind went to the only person that he knew that had blue hair... With one of his hands he touched the star birthmark and sighed.

He heard the baby whine so he looked down at them, they slightly opened their eyes, Dio saw that they took his eye color, the baby's hands tried to reach for something that they didn't even know.

Dio placed his finger on their palm and the baby closed their hand and tried to calm down, Dio didn't knew what he felt at that time, somehow he started slightly smiling.

He started walking to the library to grab himself a book, after searching for a while he found a nice book.

He left the library and started walking back to his room, you started fuzzing again as you searched for something again, your hands searched for something again and your mouth was open.

"Maybe you are hungry" he said as he looked at you.

He entered his room and set you down on his bed, he sat down besides you and looked at you.

"I remember from a book that I read that skin-to-skin contact with a baby it's good and since vanilla ice is not here yet with your clothes I'll try it" he said to himself.

He unwrapped the blanket off of you and placed you on his chest and then he covered you with the blanket, your ear was listening to his heart beating and you started to calm down.

"In the end it's good" he said as he placed a hand on your tiny back.

"Now what should we name you young lady?" He said as he thought about names but he was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Dio said, the door opened and it revealed vanilla ice and he held many bags.

"I got the Stuff my Lord" he said.

"Place them on the bed and then you can leave" Dio said.

Vanilla ice placed them on the bed and left the room.

Dio placed you down and wrapped the blanket again around you so you couldn't get cold.

He went through the stuff and got out a onesie and a diaper, he took you in his hands and unwrapped the blanket and put the diaper on, he then put the onesie, he looked at you and then took some tiny gloves and put them on your hands.

"Now it's done" he said but you started whining again.

"Oh yeah you must be hungry" he said.

After many minutes he had a bottle for you done, he had read the instructions on how to make food for a newborn.

He took you in his hands and started feeding you, you were so hungry that you were done in under two minutes, he then placed you on his shoulder and started lightly hitting your back so you could release the gas from your mouth.

After a little while you made a big barp sound.

"I didn't expect that from a tiny baby like you" he said, he held you close to him as he finally read the book.

Midway through the book he smelled something bad, he looked at you and you looked at him, he let his book down and then lifted you up and smelled your diaper.

"At this point I don't understand babies, that's one stinky poop you did" he said as he set you down and grabbed another diaper.

After he changed you he threw the diaper in the trashcan that was in the bathroom that was attached to his room.

He picked you up again and layed down.

"Stinky baby" he told you but you didn't hear him because you were already asleep.

Dio wondered what day was today so he looked at his calendar, he froze when he saw the date.

It read April 4th 1985

'your birthday are the same day as his' he thought.

'it'll be interesting to have to take care of a baby, at least I'm not going to end up like that bastard that I called my father, I'm going to give everything you ask, I'll treat you as a princess' he thought as he closed his eyes.

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