Chapter 25

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You were sitting down playing chess with Jotaro , Jonathan was sitting there looking at the both of you.

"you know I am really good at playing chess" Jotaro said

"I am good at it as well" you said

"they are here!!" holly said as she went outside to greet the others.

"(y/n) remember the moves that your father taught you" Jonathan said and you nodded.

The door opened as everyone entered the room.

"is that the ghost you guys talked about?" polnareff whispered in Joseph's ear and Joseph nodded.

Iggy walked up to you guys and sat down, Jonathan looked at him and started petting him.

"what a good dog you are, you remind me of my dog, except he was a little bigger" he said, Iggy stayed there enjoying being petted by someone.

"what are you guys doing?" Joseph asked

"we're playing chess, now go away old man" Jotaro said

"Jotaro that's not nice" Jonathan said

"is kakyoin going to join us?" polnareff asked

"I called him and his parents over" holly said

You were close to winning when Iggy knocked over the board, Jotaro glared at him and you sighed.

"well, (y/n) was close to winning" Jonathan said as he took you off his lap.

"are we late?" kakyoin said as he and his parents entered the house.

"no, not at all!" holly said

"mama, let's go and set the table" holly said

"wait, I'll come to help you as well" Mrs kakyoin said and they went to the kitchen.

You sat down and listened to them talk, it was really boring so you got up and went to the kitchen to see what they were doing.

You got in and saw them preparing the table.

"hey (y/n) what are you doing here?" suzie asked

"it was boring with the others, they were talking about business" you said.

"you can stay here and help us" she said and you nodded

You took some cups and placed them on the table.

After the table was ready you went to tell them that everything was set up, they all got up and followed behind.

"ok, everyone take a sit, (y/n) you'll have to sit on Jonathan's lap because there's not enough room, ok?" she asked and you nodded.

All of you sat down and began to eat.

As you ate you noticed that some of your food was missing, you looked next to you and saw Polnareff looking away, you turned your head but you could also see your plate, you saw his hand reaching for your food, you looked at him and he looked away.

"not me" he said and you still looked at him

You took some of his food and ate it

"hey, that was my food!" he said.

"you don't need it, it'll make your boobs bigger" you said and some of the others started laughing.

"they're not boobs!! And they're not that big!!" he said as he covered his chest.

"don't lie Polnareff" Jotaro said

"you got exposed by a child" kakyoin said

You continued to eat and soon you were done.

"ok, time for dessert!" holly said as she brought out the dessert, she cut a piece for everyone, you glared at Polnareff and turned your back to him and started eating.

"you want the strawberry?" Jonathan asked you and you nodded, he gave you the strawberry and you happily ate it.

After you were done eating your desert you went to get up but Jonathan stopped you.

"the edges of your mouth are messy" he said as he wiped them, you then got up and left.

"she's such a sweet child" Mrs kakyoin said

"indeed she is but she has trouble finding friends" holly said.

"why's that?" Mr kakyoin said

"many children are making fun of her looks, you know, her rare hair and eye color, and because she's not Japanese" holly said.

"poor child..." Mrs kakyoin said

"there were many times were she became so sad that she didn't want to come out of her room" Jonathan said

"I'm feeling bad for this child, having to go through something like that" suzie said

After a while the adults joined you and iggy in the living room, iggy was laying on your lap.

You were petting iggy when you started feeling sleepy, iggy looked at you and snuggled closer, you layed your back on the wall and closed your eyes, within a few minutes you fell asleep.

The adults were talking and laughing when one of them shushed them, Joseph pointed at you and iggy sleeping, the adults smiled and talked in a lower tone.

Iggy opened his eyes and walked away from your lap and layed next to you, Jonathan got up and picked you up and walked towards your room.

He layed you down and put the covers over you, he looked at the teddybear and gave it to you.

"goodnight (y/n)" he said as he got up and left.

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