Chapter 26

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You woke up excited, you got out of bed and dressed up nicely, because today it's a special day, it's your birthday!

You got out of your room and went to the living room, there sat Jotaro reading, he looked at you and then back to his book.

"why did you dress up so nicely?" he asked

"because it's a special day" you said as you rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet.

"do I have to guess?" he asked and you nodded.

"do you have.... A friend?" he asked and you shook your head.

"that's sad" he said and you glared at him

"is it... You're birthday?" he asked and you nodded

"come here" he said and you walked up to him.

He took something from behind his back and gave it to you.

"for me?" you asked and he nodded, you quickly opened it and it revealed an empty book and an expensive pen.

"I know how much you love to write stuff, even though you're just five you are really clever and you know a lot" he said

"thank you so much!" you said as you hugged him.

You walked away and went to put your gift in your room, you placed them on your desk and walked out of your room again.

You walked into the kitchen and saw Holly setting the table so all of you can have breakfast.

" good morning (y/n) and happy birthday" she said as she came up to you and hugged you.

"thank you" you said

"come on, sit down, special breakfast for the birthday girl" she said and you sat down.

Jotaro entered the room and sat down, Holly sat down and all of you began to eat.

"how's the breakfast?" she asked

"it's really yummy!" you said and she smiled.

"what about you Jotaro? Do you like it?" she asked and he hummed

After you were done you got up and went outside, you started playing when Jonathan approached you.

"happy birthday!" he said as he hugged you

"thank you!!" you said as you hugged him back

"here's your gift" he said as he held out a bag.

You opened it and you saw drawing supplies, he knows that you like drawing.

"I like it a lot, thank you!!" you said as you hugged him again

"anything for you" he said.

"when is your birthday? I want to get you a gift on your birthday as well" you said and he laughed.

"you don't have to" he said

"no! I want to get you a gift as well, when's your birthday?" you asked.

"uhmm.... Today" he said and you gasped and run inside.

"Jotaro! Hey, Jotaro!" you said and you entered his room.

"what do you want?" he asked

"we need to go and get Jonathan a gift!!" you said and he looked at you confused.

"why?" he asked

"because it's his birthday today as well!!" you said

"kids, you don't have to do that!!" Jonathan said and Jotaro looked at him

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