Chapter 15

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Everyone was getting ready to go to sleep and you took your teddybear and hugged it.

"(y/n) follow me, I'll show where you'll be sleeping" holly said and you nodded as you took your backpack and started following her, the both of you soon came to a stop.

She opened the door for you and showed you the room.

"I know you were used to sleeping on a bed but here in Japan we have futons, trust me they are as comfortable as a bed, you are lucky the bathroom is in the next room, to your left is my room if you need anything you can come over and let me know" she said and left.

You let you backpack down and put your pajamas on without Jonathan's help this time, you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and of course you had to use the toilet because you didn't want to wet the bed.

You then returned to the room and layed down, you tossed and turned for hours, you were so used to sleeping with company that you couldn't sleep, you were also a little afraid because it was raining.

You looked at the ceiling and sighed, suddenly there was a lighting and then a thunder followed, you hid under the covers and shivered in fear, when there were thunderstorms you could always hug your father because you were scared, now that he's not here you have to lay there until it's over.

There was another loud thunder and this time you let a little yelp and then sniffles.

"(y/n)? Are you ok?" you heard Jonathan say, you looked at him and shook your head.

"I'm scared" you whispered.

"it's alright, I'm here now" he said as he also got under the covers and hugged you.

"when I was younger I also feared thunderstorms, when I told my father he told me as long as I'm in the house I don't have to fear nothing, as long as you are in a house you are safe" he said.

Soon enough you fell asleep, he smiled to himself and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile the thunderstorm was getting a little worse, Joseph got awoken by a loud thunder and sat up.

He got up and decided to check if everyone was ok.

He first checked on Holly, she was sound asleep, then he went to check on Jotaro, he was reading a book.

"you can't sleep either old man?" he asked.

"yep" he said.

"you should check on (y/n) instead of us, I think I heard her whimper a few minutes ago" Jotaro said and Joseph nodded and left.

Joseph opened the door of your room and looked inside to see if everything was alright but he was met with a cute scene.

You cuddling close to Jonathan as the both of you slept.

'wait, do ghosts need sleep?' he thought to himself, he then shrugged it off and left.

He went back to his room to sleep, suzie turned around and looked at him.

"where did you go?" she asked

"I went to check on the others" he said as he layed down.

"are they ok?" she asked and Joseph nodded.

"only Jotaro is awake, grandpa Jonathan had to calm (y/n) down because she was scared, they ended up sleeping while cuddling to each other, it was so cute" Joseph said.

"well, he did his job, after all she is his daughter as well if I'm correct" she said.

"you are correct" he said and soon the both of them fell asleep.

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