Chapter 41

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You were finally back home, when you arrived holly started asking you different questions.

"can I go and take a shower first? After that I'll tell you everything, ok?" you said and she nodded.

You enjoyed the nice hot shower, not that you didn't take a shower back in morioh, here it felt a little better.

You got dressed and dried your hair and took some stuff with you, you went to where holly was which it was the living room.

"ok, I'm ready to tell you everything but first of all, is suzie still mad at Joseph?" you asked her and she shook her head.

"I heard that papa found an invisible baby, is that true?" she asked and you nodded.

"and it's really possible that he'll adopt her, by the way you're telling me that suzie forgave him?" you asked her.

"well, mama is a person that forgives people, all she said was 'what happened, happened, I don't think he'll do it again, and besides he told me it was only one time', she really loves him that's why she didn't ask for a divorce or something like that, so now tell me, how's my little brother like? "she asked.

" he's really nice, but when someone insults his hair he will beat them up, it has to do something with his childhood apparently, one part that annoyed me the most is that he kept apologizing all the time"you said.

"apologizing? For what?" she asked.

"he thought that he destroyed the family, he felt really guilty, even after everyone said that it was ok and he didn't destroy nothing he still kept apologizing" you said.

"so, how old is he?" she asked.

"he's only two years older than me" you said

"he's pretty young...."she said

"anything else that happened?" she asked

"so... There were many stand users, dad kept freaking out because I run into some of them, only one of them meant harm, there was this specific alley way, which was called ghost alley, apparently it's an alley between the living and the dead... I guess, that gave me the chance to speak with papa after all those years, we may fought two times but thanks to dad we're ok now, the alley now disappeared and I don't think I'll ever speak to him again " you said as you looked down

" but anyways, we had to defeat a stand user that killed many people, in the end we defeated him, josuke and Jotaro did most of the work but I helped a little bit as well" you said

"so, uhm.... Do you have a photo of josuke, I want to see what he looks like" she said and you nodded, you took out a picture and gave it to her.

"it's the guy with the pompadour" you said.

"oh my, he looks a lot like how papa looked when he was younger" she said as she looked at the picture, she then let the picture and looked at you.

"I hope you have his number because we're calling him over to spend Christmas with us!" she said with her usual cheerful tone.

"we have until then a long time" you said.

"what else happened?" she asked.

"mmhh... I actually fought someone alone, it was a good training of both my stand and hamon, also papa wasn't thrilled when he heard that I learned hamon... Because that was what almost killed him. " you said.

"I had a great time there, Jotaro actually took my advice and he's spending more time with jolyne, when we were leaving something funny happened, I almost died from suffocation, we were on the ship and josuke came running to us to say goodbye, in the end he only did to steal Joseph's wallet, that's what had me laughing, and he said 'a good dad should give his son some money' "you said as you still laughed.

" I'm glad you had a great time and had a chance to meet your father again" she said

"what made me angry about that meeting it was the fact that he kept bragging about everything, like he was someone better than anyone else, after we left I learned that he was always like that" you said, after a long silence she clapped her hands.

"so, what kind of food did you miss?" she asked you.

"everything actually, but I can't complain there was some good food there as well" you said.

"ok, follow me, we're going to make some food together and you can tell me more about what happened in morioh" she said and you nodded.

After the both of you were done cooking, you ate and talked, you told her stories of what happened there.

"me, josuke and his friends had a sleepover at his house when we had the great idea to make each other's hair, josuke didn't participate because he doesn't like anyone near his hair, it was really funny because we almost destroyed our hair and made fools out of ourselves " you said.

" I see you got along pretty well with josuke" she said and you nodded.

"we have a lot in common after all, our stands can heal, we have the same humor, we came into this bloodline unexpectedly, that's why we got along so well" you said.

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