Chapter 10

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You were reading a book for the first time, after weeks of your father trying to teach you how to read you were now able to do it.

You were reading an interesting book, it talked about the ocean, and the life that lives there, it even had pictures.

"(y/n)? (y/n)? Where are you?" you heard your father say.

"here!!" you yelled as you kept reading.

"what are you doing?" he asked as he looked at you.

"I'm reading!" you said with a smile, he hummed and picked you up and set you on his lap.

"and what are you reading about?" he asked.

"the ocean and the life that lives there" you said and then paused.

"can we go there one day? To Swim?" you asked.

"I'm afraid we can't" he said.

"what why?" you asked.

"you see, I can't go out in the sun and it's really dangerous to swim at night" he said.

"why can't you be out in the sun?" you asked.

"it's because my skin is really sensitive, it's like an illness, if I go out, I'll get burnt like a crisp, so for most of my life I've been inside the house and I only go out at night" he said.

"so if it's like an illness that means I might have it as well?" you asked.

"no, you don't have it because you've been out in the sun many times" he said.

"does it make you sad that you can't see the sun?" you asked him.

"I could go out in the sun when I was younger, but then I started to be sensitive to the sun so I had to stay inside if I wanted to stay alive... But sometimes I do miss the warmth of the sun and the colors of the sky when it's daytime or when the sun is setting" he said.

You felt bad that he couldn't see the sun... But an idea popped up in your mind.

"I can draw everyday the sun so you can see it!! And the colors of the sky!! And while you're watching the drawings I'll hug you and it'll feel like you're out in the sun!!" you said.

"that's not a bad idea" he said as he patted your head

"another reason why we can't go to swim it's because I'm slightly... Scared you could say" he said.

"mmhh? Why, I thought you weren't scared of anything" you said.

"everyone is scared of something, even if I don't want to admit it, I'm scared of something as well and that's the ocean" he said.

"why?" you asked.

"well.... I'm scared that I might get trapped underwater with no escape and that I might lose something important..." he said as he looked down.

"now! What about you draw the sun?" he asked and you nodded and hopped off his lap and went to get some paper and colors.

When you got back you sat down and began to draw, after a while you were done and showed it to him.

"let's see if what you said is true" he said, he took the drawing and looked at it, you then went up to him and hugged him.

"what a beautiful sun you drew, I'll need some sunglasses, and I can feel the sun's heat... It really worked, good job" he said as he patted your head.

"you know, when I'll get older, I'll study a lot so I can find a cure to what you have and then we'll go and swim and watch the sun set! And you won't have to be scared because I'll be there!!! " you said with a smile.

"thank you my little princess" he said as he hugged you.

'you really are like him... I don't mind it at all' he thought

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