Two: Birthdays & Scars

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Evander turned to glare at his alarm clock

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Evander turned to glare at his alarm clock. It's dull, obnoxiously repetitive noise echoed off the walls forming a headache at the front of his head. Snatching it harshly off his nightstand, he reared back and threw it an impressive distance across his room. It collided with a wall-breaking apart noisily, making him groan in complaint. His nanny, Miss Sanchez, was a sweet but strict middle-aged Mexican woman with the kindest smile Evan had ever seen. A small thing barely over five feet tall with deeply tanned skin. There was just something warm and comforting about being around her. She was a joy to be around up until the moment where she started actually to do her job, like waking him up for school.

"Evander William Rue! You better be up and getting dressed, young man!" He heard her deep accented voice shout from down the hall, making him wince.

"I'm up!" Evan called back, grumbling under his breath, getting up from his bed with a stiff wince when his back cracked involuntarily. He wasn't a morning person, never was. His mood would eventually improve throughout the day. Hopefully. Walking towards his bathroom, he decided to take a quick shower and stake his caretaker's wrath by risking a quick shower. He faintly heard Miss Sanchez yelling at him about the time, but he ignored her as he scrubbed and cleaned himself humming quietly. Evan wasn't in there for long; he washed and got out. The jock couldn't have been in there for any more than ten minutes. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he glanced into his large mirror.

Evander was a star football player, so naturally, he was tall and muscular, standing an inch or two above six feet with impressive muscles for a seventeen-year-old. Quickly drying himself, he walked back into his room and pulled out some boxers. It was cold in Veniko. Snow would be falling soon since they were high up north. It invariably snowed early up here, and summer always came late and never stayed for long.

He slipped on some dark jeans with a dark forest green shirt throwing his football jersey on. He laced up his favorite pair of boots and finished getting ready before going back into the bathroom. Brushing his teeth, he looked at his drying hair. His ear length wavy light blonde hair was in a messy wet mop on top of his head. Evan stared at it for a while, debating if he even wanted to be bothered with it but then remembered the reputation he had to maintain, so he grabbed his comb, grumbling under his breath, and brushed out the knots. Once he was satisfied with how he looked, he turned the lights off and grabbed his bag and his keys.

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