Fourteen: Hidden Truths

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The beast slowly opened its eyes to find itself alone in the cold dark cellar that was barely lit by the light of the full moon

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The beast slowly opened its eyes to find itself alone in the cold dark cellar that was barely lit by the light of the full moon. It had been confused at first, wondering what had occurred, and then it all came back to him. His human had shot him twice, then he saw darkness. His human had done this to him for reasons he did not know, understand nor care for. All he regarded was the blinding anger that made its large canines chattered as its body shook like it was shivering, glaring murderously at the bars. Climbing off the floor and onto its feet, it sniffed the air. The therapeutic scent of earth and fresh air that clung to his human was faint, implying that he had been gone for a few hours at most. The only obstacle that kept the wolf from tracking down the ex-hunter were the dented silver magical bars that hummed weakly. Snarling, the beast threw all of its weight against them, disregarding the way its skin broiled and kept denting it as the roof and walls cracked. With one conclusive lunge, the beast broke through the bars with its brute force and took it off the walls, not only creating a hole where the entrance of it was but also disconnecting it from the ceiling and the walls that shuddered ominously. The beast let out a triumphant roar as he got down on all fours and ran at full speed up the stairs and through the main entrance door bursting through it mindlessly as the splinters scattered all over.

    It tracked down Midnight's scent halfway across the forest when a new scent tickled its nose. Another werewolf was nearby and near his human's scent. The white wolf growled menacingly as it continued to follow the trail at a more accelerated momentum than before. There was a hint of blood mixed within the scents and while it didn't belong to the human's the beast knew that if it didn't find the dark-haired man soon, his blood would also be tainting the cold wind.

With its accelerated optics, the yellow eyes perceived a she-wolf with a coat slightly darker than his, swiping her paw at his human's chest, creating a deep dark wound that bled significantly. The beast picked up speed, still having quite a notable amount of ground to cover before he could stop the female from attacking his human. The aroma of Midnight's blood, along with the horrid stench of sizzling flesh, induced it to snarl unpretentiously.

    Howls in the distance came as a warning and a rejoinder to the she-wolf's call. The brilliance of the full moon made his fur coat glow ethereally, blending with the snow so the female couldn't discern him advancing. Just as she was to pounce on his human once more, the white wolf threw himself onto the she-wolf, tackling her down before she could sink her teeth into his human. The beast growled at the female standing in front of the ex-hunter conservationally, who roared in fury at the tangible instigation. She bounded towards him, and the beast launched itself to meet her in the middle. She dug her claws into his shoulders while he strived to champ her neck, but she actuated too expeditious for him to properly do it. They discoed in a shambolic ornament of unconditioned interventions and reciprocations.

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