Ten: Danger In Knowledge

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She had always been a curious child, wondering about things, why they were, and if they would always be the same way

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She had always been a curious child, wondering about things, why they were, and if they would always be the same way. Could her curiosity be placed under a label such as 'meddlesome' or 'nosy'? Yes, she supposes it was a strong probability she couldn't deny, given that she was also known as a gossiper. Scoffing at the notion of being called a gossip, she crossed her arms over her chest as she gazed absently at the wall losing herself in a train of thought.

However, in this situation, she doesn't think she could label her curiosity as intrusive, considering it did, to a certain extent, pertain to her own personal business. Nova knew she wasn't the best girlfriend in the world and that she had her flaws that people only tended to notice about her. Like Kane Grosvenor, for example. The assumptions asshole spoke vulgarly about her to both her back and face no matter how many times Evan told him to lay off. Unfortunately for Evan, hate was a two-way street. Nova was a fervent believer in getting even; she was willing to stoop down to Kane's level or worse, not caring how it made her look. She would rather be known as a defensive bitch rather than a weak one. As a result of the endless banter, neither one of them could stand the sight of each other, and the only thing they had in common was Evan.

Well, that was until Kane decided to show his true colors and said those awful things to Evan, which resulted in them both getting benched after they had a pretty dangerous fight during class. It was stupid, but Nova couldn't blame her boyfriend for reacting the way he did. If it had been her, she would have done the same thing.

The thought of Evan brought her back to her original notions. Evan was acting weird and was most likely hiding something from her. From the number of days he was taking off, barely responding to her attempts to communicate with him, and the fact that when she stopped by Evan's house for a visit, she had an enlightening conversation with Miss Sanchez in which she discovered that Evan had in fact not been home in a couple of days made only her suspicion grow.

If she was being honest with herself, Evan had started acting weird since the day after his party. The minute he stumbled out of the woods, Nova could see it in his eyes that something had changed but what she couldn't figure out. It wasn't like he was pushing her away all the time; after the fight, they had spent a lot of quality time together, which was more than pleasant. She really thought their bond was growing stronger until he decided to disappear and lie about his whereabouts. Miss Sanchez told her that Evan said that he would be spending the rest of the month over at a friend's house. When Nova asked what friend, the nanny had no answer for her, which led to her investigating by going around asking Evan's friends if he was staying over at their house, but they all said the same thing. They hadn't heard from Evan in a few days and had no idea where he was. So either they were lying, or Evan had a friend Nova didn't know about. There was one other possibility, but she diminished it the minute she approached the redhead with a question ready on her lips to be spoken.

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