Thirty-Nine: Azrael

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"Is it done?"

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"Is it done?"

"Yes, but you won't have much time before they figure out it was me."

"I thought I told you to not leave any evidence behind!" Obsidian Alexavier curled his upper lip in fury. After having to push back his plans for weeks, he'd finally found an opening to attack and obtain the spear, but it would seem that the incompetence of others would be his biggest obstacle. His men were ready to attack, there were small armies in every state, prepared to attack the Hunters when they least expected it, but it was his personal goal to conquer Veniko.

"The little cunt ripped a piece of my arm off! His cousins showed up before I could dispose of him, but Midnight Alexavier will be dead before the night is over. He has nine werewolf bullets in his body, and I even stabbed him a couple of times, so his death is guaranteed." The person on the other line scoffed, rolling their eyes as they hid the wince of pain as the nurse shakily stitched his skin up, trying her hardest not to focus on the conversation or the pistol aimed at her head. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't dare mutter a single word as her mind chaotically assembled every single possibility she had of escaping her current predicament alive. "I'm currently getting stitched up, what do you want me to do afterward?"

"Go back. The longer you're missing, the more suspicious it'll seem. The diversion for the Commander and his men has already been set up, and all we're waiting for is for the spear to be delivered." Obsidian was quiet for a moment before calmly asking. "You did acquire the spear, correct?"

"Yup, although Midnight didn't go down without a fight, and it wasn't until I shot him for the third time that he went down, but even then, he kept trying to shoot and stab me." The person smiled in cold admiration. "Lasted longer than his mother, and she was shot with an ordinary silver bullet. How do you want me to get it to you?"

"Send me your location, and I'll send someone to retrieve it, so don't leave just yet." Once he received the text, he forwarded it to his secretary, nodding at her before she left to follow her superior's orders, and the man leaned back in his chair. "Any news on the Elders?"

"They left after Celastria was killed by the Rue boy, from what I heard, Cowen denied the invitation to join them, so they went back to Europe to look for someone else since they can't force the Alpha to join them." The nurse tried her hardest to take her time finishing the last stitch and wrapping the arm in a bandage, but she could tell that her patient was getting annoyed by her slow movements. When she inevitably finished, the pistol aimed at her was fired, and she dropped to the floor with a bullet hole between her eyes, a small tear running down her temple from her lifeless eyes. "What about Midnight's little pet? He won't be so easy to kill, and after what happened to Midnight, the others will be on high guard."

Book One: The Bite Of The ElderWhere stories live. Discover now