Twenty-One: The Family Business

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Valonia Mendoza was the eldest daughter of Magena Alexavier and Alvaro Mendoza

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Valonia Mendoza was the eldest daughter of Magena Alexavier and Alvaro Mendoza. She had just turned twenty-three making her one of the eldest among her cousins. She had her father's dark caramel skin and her mother's wavy black hair. Her eyes were hazel like her father's, and she was above average height, just like her mother. Valonia was a plump and curvy girl; she'd been teased all of her childhood relentlessly because of her chubby cheeks and round hips. The kids would call her names, but eventually, as she got older, she learned not to care about their opinions. She thought she was beautiful, and that was the only opinion that she was taught that mattered when it came to the subject of her appearance. Despite that, Valonia had a lovely childhood, surrounded by those who loved her, and she had a very close relationship with her parents. They trusted her to tell them everything, and in return, Val expected them to do the same. 

    Apparently, her expectations were far from met.

    At first, Valonia thought her parents were pulling a prank on her and her siblings when they sat them down in the living room and began to explain to them that Magena was a retired werewolf hunter. She'd roll her eyes and snort in disbelief just as the others did before demanding the actual truth. Her mother had ignored her comment as if she hadn't spoken, explaining how she was also a witch. Valonia couldn't help but laugh at that. Her mother? A witch? Magena hated everything to do with the supernatural, including magic, so the werewolf hunter joke was more believable than that. It wasn't until Magena held her hand out and a sparking blue energy ball formed in the middle of her empty palm that crackled with power did the room become quiet. To add to the effect, the witch threw it harshly towards the lamp, causing it to explode and glass to fly everywhere. They screamed in shock, scrambling to get away from the small explosion as the aftermath came raining on them. Then with a swift flick of her wrist, all the pieces of the lamp came back together, and it was as if she were watching a movie on rewind as the furniture fixed itself as if nothing had happened to it.

    "I know this is a lot to take in, but I can explain everything." Magena motioned for them to sit down, which they did slowly. They needed some form of explanation, any reasoning that made them feel like they weren't losing their minds because what they had just witnessed was supposed to be impossible. Valonia could say that was in shock, there was no doubt about it, but she also found herself riving in anger. She had been honest with them her whole life, and suddenly they were revealing this big secret? "Our family, the entire Alexavier clan, have been werewolf hunters for centuries, and our ancestors were one of the very first few that made the weapons specially made to kill them."

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